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An exposé on the role of NGOs in the ongoing Migrant Invasion in the United States of America.
Illegal alien invasion is a racket. It involves a nefarious government, money-hungry corporations, and debased non-governmental organizations. All three work together.
NGOs are the least understood and the least observed piece of the puzzle.
This is because the government failing to shoot invaders is fairly obvious. Which gives the illegals the ability to come here in the first place. The government also refuses to deport them and provides them with welfare benefits, making their role pretty unmistakable.
A similar obvious result happens with the millions of corporations and businesses clearly hiring illegals, which give the illegals the resources needed to remain here. This is not exactly happening in secret.
But the NGO side is just as important. They are just better hidden.
Well, they used to be, at least.
Muckraker just recently exposed the NGO side very well:
Muckraker has obtained multiple maps, handed out by non-government organizations across South and Central America, that detail the routes to take to the U.S. and where to cross the U.S. border. These maps are hardly reported on by the mainstream media since illegal aliens usually lose the maps along their way. We were able to obtain these blueprints by directly visiting numerous NGOs along the mass migration route through South and Central America. The collapse of the U.S. southern border is the result of a carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program.[…]
MAP #1 – Distributed by the NGO Amigos Del Tren (Friends Of The Train in English). This NGO aids illegal aliens in riding the “Train of Death”, (also known as “La Bestia”), a freight train that U.S.-bound illegal aliens ride on top of to reach the U.S. border. The front shows the train routes across the country of Mexico. The back lists numerous hostels that can be found along the train routes and also shows the distances between Mexican cities.[…]
MAP #2 – Distributed by the Red Cross. The front shows the freight train routes across Mexico (similar to the Amigos Del Tren map) and lists 80 different stops from Panama to the United States. The back gives advice on navigating the mass migration trail. One piece of advice given is how to safely ride a freight train. It is advised to avoid riding a freight train if “. . . you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that can make you drowsy.”[…]
MAP #3 – Distributed by The United Nations International Organization of Migration (IOM). It shows various commissions and consulates across the country of Mexico.
MAP #4 – Distributed by Doctors Without Borders (Médicos Sin Fronteras in Spanish). The front shows the routes from Panama to Mexico. The back shows the routes across Mexico to the United States.
Here are a few of the maps themselves:
There are more visuals on their actual site, if interested. But I’m sure you get the gist.
What Muckraker calls a “carefully planned and deliberately executed industrial mass migration program” is brought to you by your local neighborhood NGO.
Just look at the maps. These are big names. The Red Cross. Doctors Without Borders. You know there are plenty of other big and small players in the game.
This industrial scheme all works together: a corrupt government, avarice-driven businesses, and worldly virtue-gone-wrong NGOs.
Each has a function and a driver:
It is the fault of all three. If the government would enforce the border laws, the aliens would not be able to get or stay here. Even if the government failed, businesses could stop this by not providing the aliens the cash needed to survive, so the illegals would screw off back to their own land. Even further, if we had genuinely moral NGOs, they’d be helping the aliens get back to their own country and be successful there instead of destroying ours.
Each has a piece and blame. But it really shows how far lost we are that we’re suffering all three failing at the same time to the tunes of millions of migrants flooding the border from only God knows where.
In a sane society, the people operating NGOs in this manner would be justly tried under a fair court system and executed for treason. The government would perform their primary function of stopping foreign invasion into their own lands. And the businesses would not be able to hire illegals without facing long jail sentences if caught. But we don’t have any of that. Because we’re the furthest thing from a sane society.
Hilariously (and sadly for us), this has all spiraled so out of control that even democrat leaders are even pleading for help. That’s when you know it’s gotten bad.
Oh well. You reap what you sow. Enjoy all the dieversity, blue cities.
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Don’t ask how I know this, but kind-hearted people need to be fully aware that even groups that are named things like, oh say, “Down Home Red State Folks” are often or even usually fronting massive immigration. Don’t just give because the name sounds like something local and reasonable. Research well before you give or you’ll be giving (on top of your taxes) to your own community’s destruction.
Dead on, Nell. Great comment and good warning to others.
Yes!! This is so true. So many republicans completely miss this. IT is just like things like the “patriot act”. False names, all lies. Usually the exact inversion of what they call themselves is what they do.