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Sharing a recent video by Mark Dice.
Mark Dice is an independent media analyst that demonstrates why it is so important that our guys to remain independent.
By independent, I mean free from legalese contracts from the likes of Ben Shapiro or similar. And free from dependence on Big Tech.
This is important so that the progress we make can be reflected in them.
Check out a recent video of his, which is something that few mainstreamers would have posted even just a year or two ago:
This is a guy that is hailed among the grey masses. He has nearly two million subscribers.
The Overton Window has shifted, hard. Without a doubt. This is great for us.
I’ve always peripherally enjoyed Dice. He always seemed genuine, which is a rare find in most political spheres. He was just too soft for my tastes, and I don’t like to watch videos, so I never got into him too much.
But observing his transformation has been exciting. He went from a guy that mostly posted videos making fun of the average idiot American on the street, to a man with soft right-leaning positions, to causing massive damage to neocons like Ben Shapiro, to now openly advocating for whites.
Credit where it is due. Hopefully, he keeps reaching our guys and planting that seed. We all start somewhere. No one starts out with Evola or Spengler.
Our job is to keep pushing the Overton Window to allow him and others like him to progressively move even more to the right side. It seems we are succeeding in that endeavor.
Enjoy the video. Cheers.
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His explanation of Steven Crowder’s latest grifting episode with Daily Wire was excellent.
I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
He never mentions Nicole Arbour’s video on Candace Owens in that video. This is a huge, red flag. He knows a lot more about what’s going on Conservative Inc. than he lets on in his trilogy, especially if he actually exchanged contact information with Steven Crowder.
Funny, there are a lot of things that irritate me about him. For all the good he’s done by speaking bluntly about stuff that a lot of other conservatives would shy away from, there’s a lot of issues that make me wary:
This is not to say that Dice should be cancelled, but his audience deserves to know just who the hell he is.
Great write-up, appreciate the share.
Quite a few good points made here, although I am not quite sure about some of the points (such as the problem with Psalm 139:19 or why Knowles is mentioned in a good way—He is a Daily Wire sellout under the boot of Ben Shapiro and any person even peripherally related to them should never be trusted). Still, this list presents many valid contentions. You are well-versed in many of these characters, half of which I don’t even know (it appears my aversion to videos has paid off in that way, at least).
Dice is definitely not perfect, but it appears these “softies” are being pushed more to the right, which was my main argument. What we’re doing is working, in some capacity. Whether Dice in particular is a grifter or is merely skirting the line to stay mainstream is still undetermined.
Grifter or towing the line to stay relevant, both are equally reprehensible because both mean Dice made a Faustian bargain, and those always end badly. I guarantee you that I only aired a fraction of the skeletons in his closet.
If you think Michael Knowles is so transparently wrong on everything, and you are acting like he is, then why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and debate him? After all, if you’re right then you will easily trounce him, and if you’re wrong then the worst thing that will happen is that you’ll be proven wrong.
Hard disagree there. Grifter is significantly worse because they are actively being malicious for worldly gain. While I don’t agree with the strategy, the idea with “towing the line” (maintaining mainstream access) is to convert normies and direct them over to a further right-wing position over time. Someone has to do it, we don’t all start out reading Oswald. Plus, that’s exactly what your guy Knowles does. He doesn’t cross Shapiro or anything that the Daily Wire says.
I never said his positions are wrong, I said he was exactly what you were claiming Dice is. I try not to make a habit out of listening to grifter organizations. I have no issue debating anyone at all, all they have to do is make an article about my positions they disagree with. But that’s probably not going to happen because I’m a small-timer. People with the big orgs rarely debate small-timers.
Although I do find it humorous that you are so adamantly against Mark Dice because you surmise he is a grifter/mainstream-line-tower while defending the largest right-wing grifter operation happening in the United States right now: The Daily Wire. Which is where Knowles has been beholden by a Steven Crowder type contract for well over half of a decade. TDW is horrifically wicked and draining millions of dollars every month from causes that would actually make a difference for our people. They are doing far more damage than little ol’ Mark. Your perspectives seem off.