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Your life is time limited. Are you using that precious little time wisely?
Don’t join the rat race:
Recall a great quote from Marcus Aurelius:
There is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don’t use it to free yourself it will be gone and never return
I wrote on this back in 2020, but given the blackpilled nature of many people right now, I feel it is important to return to:
Why do we continue to fight in the face of insurmountable odds?
We talk a lot about politics and why it matters. We speak a lot about how to move forward, better ourselves, and our nation.
Obviously, we do what we do because we believe it is what is best. The reason we have different beliefs is because we all reach different paths to solve that same solution. To determine what is “best”.
But in the process we miss the point of why. Why do what is best? What is best?
In general, most right-leaning folk are spiritual. So we have an instinctive reason for “why”. To be moral. Virtuous. Honorable. Et cetera.
But even that misses the point. The point is to be free. Free of the evil of this world. To have a healthy soul.
We acquire this by rejecting the modern appeals that strive to degrade us. Each time we reject degeneracy, we gain a small piece of spiritual freedom. Each time we reject the evil lies, corruption, and perversion we get a step closer to spiritual sanctity.
We have a short stint on this earth. During this time you are tested.
You are being offered every piece of vile evil: sexual depravity, violence, unjustified theft, carnal indulgences, mindless escapes, short term satisfaction. The list is endless.
We, as humans, are offered and create the most spiritually repugnant indulgences.
The test of life is to see what you do when offered them.
Do you join in? Or worse, do you become a profiteer of it?
How about just staying neutral and neither indulging nor fighting back? What about the most radical of the options: to actively resist despite open hostility?
For certain there is no societal risk of indulgence. No fear of reprisal or punishment in our modern world. In fact, you’re usually the odd one out for not contributing in the decay. That’s not to say that those that indulge are free: Their sins will destroy them nonetheless. But not overtly like those who reject the indulgence in plain sight.
Instead, those who fight back are the most repressed. But that is the test. The test of this world and our souls.
Will you resist or condone? How far will you sink into the pit of degeneration?
Stay strong. Improve your mindset and outlook. Resist the rat race. And use your time wisely.
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