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The leftist takeover of the law arena is ongoing. Progressive prosecutors (rogue DAs) are at the forefront of this takeover.
Corrupt district attorneys are a massive threat in the “progressive” cities of the future. They let criminals go free, seek maximum sentences for anyone on our side, and perpetuate a continual cultural deterioration. They are the embodiment of politics taking over everything in a rule by many.
They are also unaccountable to any of us. Instead, only being accountable to their financiers. The isolated class buy them in their quest for centralization.
They are a massive issue and one that our side continually under-assaults. We can’t do anything legally because we aren’t held to the same standards as the left. The reason we aren’t held to the same standards are because of the prosecuting DA’s being overwhelming leftist.
Just look at some of these examples:
Investigation: Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation
District Attorneys Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kimberly Foxx in Cook County, Illinois; and Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, all of whom have taken campaign donations from billionaire George Soros, are helping criminal illegal aliens avoid deportation from the United States, an investigation reveals.
The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) sheds light on new avenues by which district attorneys use their offices to aid criminally charged illegal aliens — specifically getting them off the hook from being arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and deported.
Krasner, the investigation found, raked in nearly $1.7 million from a Soros-linked group, the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC. After being elected in 2017, Krasner created the Immigration Counsel in his District Attorney’s office, hiring former immigration attorney Caleb Arnold to lead the initiative. The goal of the initiative is to reduce “immigration consequences” for defendants.
As a result, the IRLI investigation notes, Arnold consulted on about 300 cases where the defendant was a foreign national. In about 120 of those cases, the outcomes were changed to plea agreements.
Many of the defendants Arnold consulted with to help them avoid deportation had been charged with murder, rape, forcible rape, rape of a child, sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, attempted murder, drunk driving, robbery, and other crimes.
Krasner specifically was also given $1.4 million by Soros in his run for election. An amount that is simply unheard of for a city DA position. The opponents had no chance to compete going up against someone getting that kind of funding.
Growing numbers of district attorneys are out to undermine the law
One reason for the surging, often protracted violence in US cities is the rise of a host of progressive prosecutors who actually tilt against law and order.
The trend is most glaring in places known for their kooky left-wing politics, like Portland and San Francisco, but extreme leftists have also taken over as district attorneys in cities like Chicago and Boston. Many owe big thanks for their elections to funding from far-left fatcat George Soros.
In Portland, violent “protests” have dragged on for months, thanks to the idiocy of Mayor Ted Wheeler, who let hoodlums drive him out of his own condo — but also to Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt, who dropped charges against hundreds of people arrested for offenses like interfering with cops, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass and rioting. Schmidt also made it harder to prosecute assaults on cops.
In Contra County, Calif., outside San Francisco, DA Diana Becton will now consider looters’ “needs” when weighing criminal charges. At Politico, she and four other black, female DAs (from Chicago, Boston, St. Louis and Durham) actually slammed the very criminal-justice system they were elected to enforce — ludicrously claiming it was “constructed to control Black people and people of color” and that it’s now doing just that.
The reason the riots happened and no one could stop them for months? Progressive district attorneys. If they had arrested and charged the individuals involved, the whole issue would have been resolved in days. The cops could have cleaned out the streets. But instead the DAs kept cleaning out the jail cells.
And if we on the right tried the same thing? We’d be put in jail for the maximum sentence. Because they get to pick which cases to prosecute.
Taking on “Progressive Prosecutors”
District attorneys who refuse to enforce the criminal law are violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution—and could be challenged on those grounds.
From San Francisco to Los Angeles to Chicago to Philadelphia to Boston, urban dwellers have elected a new breed of district attorneys who style themselves “progressive prosecutors.” In this denomination, the adjective does the heavy lifting. The prosecutors’ campaigns have been funded by the bogeyman of the Right, billionaire leftist George Soros, and animated by extreme left-wing political movements such as Black Lives Matter. The politicization of what was, in its origins, an apolitical law-enforcement function will have serious consequences for public safety and order.
According to the American Bar Association, “The prosecutor serves the public interest and should act with integrity and balanced judgment to increase public safety both by pursuing appropriate criminal charges of appropriate severity, and by exercising discretion to not pursue criminal charges in appropriate circumstances.” The California District Attorneys’ Association puts a finer point on the prosecutorial function: “The primary role of the District Attorney is to protect the community he or she is elected to serve. District Attorneys represent the public and endeavor to improve the public safety by prosecuting those who threaten the well-being of the community and its citizens by breaking the law.”
To judge them by their own words, progressive prosecutors don’t share this understanding of their role. They rarely discuss the importance of preserving public safety and prosecuting and jailing criminals. They do not campaign on safer streets or crime reduction. Indeed, they promise to end prosecution for whole classes of offenses that disproportionately affect minorities (without confronting why that may be), reducing the use of bail to detain pretrial defendants, recommending lighter sentences for convicted felons, encouraging diversion programs instead of prison, and prioritizing so-called restorative-justice schemes in place of traditional notions of retribution and incapacitation. All of this is in the service of a pet progressive project: ending “mass incarceration.” To this end, progressive prosecutors deploy an array of slogans about structural racism, disparate outcomes, and white supremacy. The relationship between this woke rhetoric and preventing an unreformed felon from robbing and raping again is never made clear.
The bold explains why they get elected. It’s a majority-minority election, so the majority vote for special privileges. It’s an innate failing of democracy: To expect the majority to vote in a virtuous, instead of selfish, manner.
We are fighting for “fairness” and “neutrality” while they are fighting for privilege and leverage.
“Progressive” Prosecutors Sabotage the Rule of Law, Raise Crime Rates, and Ignore Victims
There is nothing progressive about the rogue prosecutor movement. Elected rogue district attorneys have not worked within the law to enhance public safety, protect victims’ rights, lower crime, and serve their community. They usurp the constitutional role of the legislative branch by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, abuse the role of the county prosecutor, fail to protect victims of crime, and ignore rising crime rates caused by their radical policies. They exist because George Soros and a handful of other billionaires have invested heavily in the election of district attorneys who are working to reverse engineer and dismantle a criminal justice system that, while not perfect, has resulted in the lowest crime and incarceration rates in decades.
1. Rogue prosecutors usurp the role of state legislatures, thereby violating the separation of powers between the executive branch and legislative branch.
2. Rogue prosecutors abuse the role of the district attorney by refusing to prosecute broad categories of crimes, thereby failing to enforce the law faithfully.
3. Violent crime goes up and victims’ rights are ignored in rogue prosecutors’ cities.
We have to start taking the DA role far more seriously on the right. The president and federal reps do not impact our ground level activism nearly as much as our local and state representatives. The role of the district attorney is huge here. And massive funding is going to make sure that they are not on our side, even in very red districts.
Get involved. Protect your DA position. Otherwise, they will zealously prosecute innocents while letting criminals go outright. Just as they are doing right now in every major city around this nation.
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