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stock market is worried about the coronavirus

The Stock Market Is Worried About The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The stock market is tanking in response to the coronavirus COVID-19. This isn't the first time stocks have crashed in relation to a viral pandemic.


Nobody seems to know how the COVID-19 coronavirus started. First it was bats, then it was biolabs, then the Chinese racked up a CIA conspiracy, and now who knows? Probably an animal.

What’s not up for debate is COVID’s damage to the stock market. In short, stocks are nose diving at an impressive rate.

The Impact of The Coronavirus COVID-19 on The Stock Market

One week view as of 2/27/2020

The entire market took a hit. Worldwide.

Chinese companies and airlines are particularly taking an astronomical hit.

Obviously, tourism to China and other travel related businesses are also not doing too hot. Cruise ships in particular.

This result isn’t anything really new or exciting. The S&P 500 fell about 10% during the SARS outbreak.

But one good piece of information to keep in mind is that this downward trend was relatively obvious to occur based on historical trends. A virus comes out, slowly spreads, and then eventually the market spirals down. The market only holds because people think the virus will magically go away when it clearly won’t.

Whether there is a Wuhan conspiracy or not is irrelevant. The market was going to drop from the initial onset. Any potential pandemic virus is going to spark that flame.

Now as long as a couple moronic scientists don’t recreate the virus, we’ll be fine.

But you may want to learn some survival tips and get prepared anyway. Stock market crash or not.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

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