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shopping cart theory meme monday

The Shopping Cart Theory

Sharing one of my favorite theories formulated back during the Trump era.

shopping cart theory meme monday

A Philosophical Meme monday

The shopping cart theory is exploding in popularity.

But many of our guys have not yet seen it, so they don’t understand it. The theory was popular back in the day but is just now resurfacing.

So, here it is:

the shopping cart theory 4chan image original

The best part about this theory is its proclivity to result in self-identification.

You do not even have to ask for proof of if a person returns their cart; just explain or share the theory and the savages will appear enraged or with excuses. When a savage hears the theory, they promptly get offended and let you know how ridiculous the theory is or why they disagree. So, you instantly know that they are a savage.

This is probably the easiest way to root out the true civilizational citizens versus the entitled knuckle-dragger types. Because those who do not return the cart get vexed immediately and will publicly let you know which camp they lie in. Alternatively, those who return the carts often become really fascinated in the truth that the theory holds.

Study shopping cart theory. Meditate on it. Ponder its implications. It goes far deeper than it initially appears, because the theory taps into the dominant soul of the nation question—Do we have a truly righteous, civilizational soul, or a selfish savage one?

The answer is for you to decide.

Happy Meme Monday. May you all have a deeply philosophical and inquisitive week.

And return your dang carts, savages. No one needs your lame excuse.

Read Next: A Simple Meme Monday


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Why is it my carts have a spinning front wheel… pulls left or right… thumps like having a flat tire… is locked with the cart in front…
    But I still put it back in the corral… for me to get the next time!
    Enjoy the “writes”…

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