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normalize pedo secular agenda

The Secular Agenda’s Next Move: Normalize Pedo’s

The secular position is moving toward normalizing pedophilia, because they have ran out of other degenerate things to normalize.

the secular agenda normalize pedophilia

Welcome to the collapse of Rome/Weimar, modern edition.

Next up on the [extensive, eerily similar to our modern day “progressives”] list of reasons why Rome declined, we have an acceptance of pedophilia.

This TedX talk is a lovely example, generously uploaded by a brave individual:

TedX is trying to hide their most recent video from YouTube due to the excessive negative feedback. They’ve been actively issuing copyright notices to any uploads of this video, even though it is licensed under Creative Commons.

Not only are they trying to shove this down the memory hole, YouTube algorithms are automatically blocking the original video before it can even be published. I had to edit this video and re-encode it in order to get past the algorithms.

Here is that video:


CM had some solid quotes about this:

In National Review in 2013, author Wesley J. Smith blasted the process of normalization, echoing the concerns of a majority of Americans: “I call this kind of discussion, ‘terminal nonjudgmentalism,’ because it is designed to move us from viewing pedophilia as absolutely unacceptable, to an issue that is debatable and should be ‘discussed,’ toward the final goal of acceptability.”

“Pedophiles can already get help in controlling their urges before they ruin a child’s life,” he protested, “and certainly, many do. Good on them. But turning the abhorrent and pathological into the somehow acceptable will not protect children. Quite the contrary.”

“Think about it,” Smith continued. “If the desire for sexual congress with children is just ‘another orientation’ … and if some children supposedly ‘like it’ when they voluntarily engage in sex with adults — and indeed, if it doesn’t actually hurt them — how long would the absolute rejection of cross-generation congress last? Not very.”

“It wouldn’t be long until we saw the absolute prohibition on pedophilic sex downgraded to a mere ‘taboo,’ which, as the last 50 years teach us, are made to be broken. NAMBLA members must be grinning ear-to-ear.”

Likewise, Greensboro had another great point about the whole ordeal:

On Aug. 17, 2011, a small group of psychiatrists and mental health professionals held a conference in Baltimore. According to the conference brochure, they “examined ways in which minor attracted persons (MAPs) can be involved in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) revision process” and how the popular perception of pedophiles can be reframed to encourage tolerance.

The conference was sponsored by B4Uact, a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists. The key speaker was Dr. Fred S. Berlin of Johns Hopkins University.

Since then attempts to normalize and decriminalize pedophilia not only have appeared in the DSM-5 but have reared up in media in articles like: “Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime”(an op-ed piece in The New York Times) and ”I’m a Pedophile, Not a Monster” by Todd Nickerson. (The article was “unpublished” by salon.com but can still be found online along with videos of Nickerson’s professing his love for a 5-year-old.) In addition, B4Uact has discussions for MAPs at www.b4uact.org. Two TED lectures have called for sympathy for pedophiles, reminding us that they are people who did not choose their feelings. They can be found at www.youtube.com/watch?time _continue=6&v=xDYArHd0ueg.

normalize pedo secular agenda

If you don’t let your kid watch porn and have sex at 4, you simply aren’t tolerant enough. Lovely logic, isn’t it? /sarcasm.

Hollywood at its finest.

I also can’t help but laugh when they call them “MAPs” (Minor attracted persons). They are trying to normalize all of it; the same approach they took with the gays. They are pedos and always will be.

We have dropped so far off the political correctness bandwagon we can’t even offend child molesters now.

How about we don’t encourage the abuse of children, whether it is an actual act OR a fantasy? Neither is emotionally nor psychologically sound.

The next move for the secular left: normalize pedophilia. It’s just tolerance, after all. They have been moving the moral goalpost inch by inch for decades. Pretty soon you’ll hear about “PedophiliaPhobia”.

One things for sure: They won’t be getting any sympathy or tolerance from me.

Welcome to the decline, ladies and gentlemen.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Your image at the top of this blog post is perfect—this IS straight out of Brave New World.

    This has to be fought as loudly as possibly. Things don’t get any more evil than this.

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