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The Return Of Covid Lockdowns

Meme Monday returns, and we've brought a very special guest back this week. Welcome back, covid lockdowns.

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It Is Back: The Return of Covid

My timing has been decent lately. I just wrote an article about the purpose of the covid vaccine on August 8th: The Covid Vaccine: A Test Run For Future Hell.

Then, ten days later, Infowars released an exclusive report from federal insiders whistleblowing that covid lockdowns are being planned for this Sept/Oct.

Not surprising, honestly. I personally believe it.

Alex Jones does not have a reason to lie about this information. Additionally, whistleblowers serve little to gain from it, aside from possibly discrediting Jones (which he stated he has vetted already with prior information that turned out accurate).

More important in verifying this conspiracy truth, however, is the parallel information coming out.

There is much news of covid cases increasing, masks returning to New York, and similar stories which also corroborate this report.

Even further, election season is next year. Russia is also pointing fingers at the U.S., claiming that we are preparing for a new pandemic release. Meanwhile, the U.S. is claiming that China and Russia have bioweapons they may release.

Combine all of this information and it definitely seems like they are cooking something up.

I expect by this time in October the masktards will return. All signs seem to point toward it.

We have not yet seen the end of the Branch Covidians.

So, let’s start making fun of them early. To get in a good habit, and all:

plandemonium 2023 - The Probable Return Of Covid
A thousand years to flatten the curve meme

Nothing has been done to fix the tragedy of the last covid debacle. Both conservatives and normies have done absolutely zero. So, this time will be no different.

All grey masses will be expected to re-board the train.

And at this rate, the average conservative will fulfill their own meme:

At least we still have our principles meme

Clown world to the max. You know the sheep will go along with it, exactly like they did last time.

But maybe I’m too pessimistic. Let’s see what happens.

Either way, Happy Meme Monday. Get out there this week and enjoy. At this rate, you never know when the lockdowns will be back and you will not have the same opportunity to do so.

Read Next: All This Talk About UFOs…


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. There was NEVER a doubt about the Faux Flu return. Its the only way Biden can win. I expect Dr. Doom to come out of hiding to run the farrago again. One more ‘hint’; it ‘returns ‘ at the beginning of the cold/flu season. The last time with this soviet disease, the cold/flu cases VANISHED from Reporting

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