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The republic was never designed to stop centralizers in the first place.
And who exactly are these centralizers?
‘We Need to Stabilize’: Big Business Breaks With Republicans
Low taxes and light regulation made the party popular with corporate America for decades. President Trump and his supporters have frayed those bonds.
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have banned or suspended Mr. Trump’s accounts. Amazon, Apple and Google have cut ties with Parler, a messaging app popular among his supporters.
Charles Schwab, the brokerage firm founded by a Republican who supported Mr. Trump, said it would shut down its political action committee altogether. And many companies, along with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have sought to punish Mr. Trump’s supporters in Congress by depriving them of crucial funds.
“C.E.O.s have become the fourth branch of government,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, which has pressured big companies to take stands on social issues. “They’re trying to hold the country together.”
The fourth branch of government, apparently. Except instead of providing further checks and balances, they provide further centralization to the elites.
It is especially comedic that this comes from the Anti-Defamation League.
Big business never truly sided with republicans. Rather, they sided with neocons that were willing to instantly abandon all of their principles when it was financially profitable for the big business tycoons.
A republic, or any democratic nation for that matter, exists because it is decentralized. A rule by many system, by its very name and definition, has to be decentralized. Rule by many.
When the nation loses its decentralized status, it is no longer a rule by many system. It cannot be. If power is centralized, there are only a select few that truly control it. This means the system has either degraded to a rule by few or a rule by one. The rule by many no longer exists. Decentralization cannot exist alongside centralization.
The process by which a decentralized rule by many becomes a centralized rule by few is known as anacyclosis or the cycle of collapse. I’ve written about it extensively on this site.
A “fourth branch of government” that seeks to centralize every cultural institution, every media institution, every political institution, and every financial institution is not a check nor a balance. It is simply further centralization. It is simply a progression on the cycle of collapse.
Thus, we fall even further from our traditional rule by many republic. Which I barely thought was possible at this point.
You see, the financial elite are not a fourth branch of government. They are same branch, the only branch. Especially post the 2020 election, there exists only the establishment branch. It controls everything: the fraudulent executive, the traitorous legislature, the limp-wristed judicial, and every media/academic/financial institution in the nation.
The left may celebrate this victory for now. But I do not think they recognize that they will soon be in as much of a predicament as we are now. They can come for us first, it doesn’t mean they will be left alone indefinitely. A rule by few invariably leads toward the destruction of all who oppose them, even their own allies in time.
To the more involved reader, all of this is obvious. I’ve been yelling about centralization being the key for the decline of the rule by many forms for years now. We haven’t truthfully been a rule by many for quite some time. Since centralization existed before Trump’s first election, we couldn’t even claim to be a decentralized nation then.
That ended in the 60’s, at the latest. It’s been in the hands of centralizers for a long time now. It’s just getting worse so more people are waking up to it. Trump could never stop it. His goal was just to delay the inevitable while we built up fighting strength.
The failure of democracy becomes all more evident with each passing year.
The future does not look great. But there is optimism in recognizing that even the rule by few and rule by one systems do not last forever. Nor will they win without a fight.
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