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The Red Terror In Spain: A Lesson In Resilience

Exploring the lessons that dissidents can learn from the Red Terror in Spain.

the red terror

The Red Terror

The Red Terror in Spain is a great lesson on leftist violence.

On news of the nationalist uprising that precipitated the Civil War, the deranged leftists who received the name “Reds” began killing tens of thousands of people in their controlled regions.

In places where the nationalist uprising was unsuccessful, if a person was identified as a priest, a monk/nun, or even simply a dedicated religious individual, they would be executed.

They killed approximately 6,832 Roman Catholic priests and tens of thousands of other business owners, industrialists, dissenting civilians, and nobility.

Most academics estimate the death toll of the Red Terror as somewhere around 50,000.

The Reds even went so far as to “execute” the Sacred Heart:

execution of the sacred heart by the Reds

The Red Terror is an essential lesson for dissidents. It details quite a few essentials of the nature of the enemy that we must accept.

For one, this event demonstrates that in the event of a civil conflict, the leftists always target the meek, the religious, and the civilians. The leftists do not target just political enemies. They will kill everyone that actually contributes or does good. This is done on purpose.

The Red Terror also shows us that leftists hate true faith, preferring secularism and subjectivism, which they can easily alter. The same tactic of destroying the native religion occurred under the Khmer Rogue, the Soviets, the Maoists, the North Koreans, and so on. Leftism demands a worship of the state and the institutions; a separate [real] faith contradicts their needed state faith. When people say that religion kills—They aren’t wrong. The leftist religion of secularism and state worship has been one of the biggest killers of the 21st century. Probably second only to abortion, which is an offshoot of leftism.

Perhaps the most important lesson is that the leftists will slaughter anyone that opposes them when a conflict does arise. If one of us dissidents existed under the Republican (“Red”) territory during the Red Terror, it would have been a guaranteed death sentence. If something similar were to happen in the United States, the exact same would occur. The lesson: Get out of their cities and states unless you are ready to commit to the end.

Here is a quote from Fulton Sheen, a catholic bishop and theologian, on the martyr of priests during the Spanish Civil War by the reds:

During the Civil War in Spain when the Reds were slaughtering hundreds of priests, one of them was lined up before the firing squad with his arms tightly bound by ropes. Facing the firing squad, he said: “Untie these ropes and let me give you my blessing before I die.” The communists untied the ropes, but they cut off his hands. Then sarcastically they said: “All right, see if you can give us your blessing now.” And the priest raised the stumps of his arms as crimson rags and with blood dripping from them like beads forming on the earth the red rosary of redemption, he moved them about in the form of a cross. Thus hate was defeated, for he refused to nourish it. Hate died as he forgave and the world has been better for it.

A beautiful act of dissent. The fortitude it takes to do something like that is extreme. To look death in the face and laugh at it with a righteous goodness, even as your own hands have just been cut off. The Red’s hate was not given the pleasure of victory by that priest.

The lesson: Make sure you resist adopting the evil nature of the enemy. Embrace resilience. Become anti-fragile. Do not fear death.

Be like the priest. You might not live to see it, but a nationalist victory is coming.

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Breaking God’s Law: The Futility Of Violence Against The Enemy

The Problem Of Evil: Christian Theories

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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