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the party system

The Problem With The Party System

A dissident's view of the party system. Why it cannot work and how an alternative must reconfigure the basis of the system.

the party system

The Party System

The red versus blue charade in the United States creates numerous dilemmas, both to the nation as a whole and to the dissident cause.

The party system creates an illusionary cloak of party consciousness in the grey masses. This makes it seem like there is a place for them, and a place for the enemy. It creates two separate divisions: a favorable division of national people and an unfavorable division of other national people.

The issue with this understanding by the grey masses is that it theoretically segments the ruling class—the politburo—into two distinct, separate entities. Even though they are not and never will be separate entities. They are all politburo; they are all simply the ruling class. Their allegiance and their actions will always firstly favor a ruling class perspective over that of a plebeian perspective, because they are within the ruling class.

It blinds the grey masses into believing that there is a side for them and a side against them, and that the “ruling class” is the enemy side, instead of the entire political class. This division allows the stupidity of Red v. Blue to continue, because the ruling class can continue to play the angle of “fighting” the enemy ruling class, even though both sides are one politburo.

It becomes almost like a play, where one side fights another for the amusement and distraction of the masses. A type of colosseum act. This makes it hard for the dissident to drag these masses away from the show, because they feel like their interests are being represented by a class that is not, and never will be, their own. They will cling to things like voting and intra-system actions only. The issue is that we can’t vote our way out of this mess, because the votes will always go to the same politburo. Just of a different flag and color.

It also is a problem because it keeps the masses engaged within the system, when we need a recognition of the system itself being the problem. The masses believe that if only Red or Blue would win, the problems would be resolved, but this does not take into consideration that the ruling classes leading aspiration is to continue the same conditions that allow them to be a ruling class. They do not want real change, unless that real change is more power for their class. They have no problem using either red or blue to do so. Or switching between them as needed.

We do not need more intra-system work. We need a parallel system, which the party system inhibits through its existence.

The masses, forever engrained in the idea of solely working within the party system, then become blinded by the show being performed within the system to keep them complacent.

There is no way to have a real “people’s rule” by itself. There will always be a ruling class. This was demonstrated rather clearly with communism, that spoke of a dictatorship of the proletariat but ended up having a dictatorship of the ruling class, like most other rule by one frameworks. Or our republic, that was supposed to be rule by the people, but is clearly a rule by the few now. There is no way to actually keep the power in the hands of the people, because whoever enforces or uses that state power will inevitably become a member of that newly formed ruling class. Even if a benevolent and trustworthy democratic ruling class exists for a while, the keys are left on the table for a malevolent takeover.

Another major issue with political parties is separate of the previous but just as problematic. This one is simple: It is divisionary. A nation that wishes to sustain itself must remain united, find common ground, and administrate together in a cooperative manner. Parties encourage division amongst the grey masses on the basis of a silly political allegiance, and in extreme cases (such as the Byzantine Empire), can lead directly to the downfall as the warring ruling class parties view themselves as higher threats than even immediate foreign conquest. This usually happens as centralization increases, and different centralizers within the system want to dominate over the others, so they can acquire total power. In-fighting occurs until the victorious centralizer secures the crown. But either winning side would lead to the populace losing, due to them now residing under ever-higher levels of centralization.

It’s better to have a clearly defined ruling class with oversight over them. I have no issue with rulers. Every state has them, whether or not they outright state that they do. We must have leaders, but I don’t want them cloaked as what they are not. They need to remain apparent as members of the politburo, so they can be watched, overseen, and held accountable as a member of that societal arena. This is essential to the recognition of leadership and to hold them accountable.

A political party system cannot give us that necessary ingredient for the sustainment of a state.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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