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Our system is not a straight-ticket republic. It's some weird mix of republic and democracy. This approach is not viable.
Majority rule.
Even though no one here on my website actually believes Joe Biden received over 80 million votes, this is still an obvious and glaring problem of our “republic”.
A republic is designed in such a manner as to avoid the risk of ochlocracy or “mob rule”. Where majority rule typically descends into a mob rule scenario, given enough time and degradation.
A republic helps avert the issues of this form of inevitable rulership.
But, we’re a republic on the federal level only. And for only one type of election. Which made sense, when we were a country with a population of 5 million. We’re now at 332 million. The sole federal approach to republicanism is not quite cutting it anymore.
For federal Presidential elections, each state chooses their electors through their own methods. With most being a strict democratic most-votes win all majority (popular vote). Then these votes are broken down based on population size and safeguarded from a majority/mob rulership by an electoral college. Effectively providing a safeguard against certain states, or even just state population centers, from dominating everyone else.
But if the federal level uses this, why aren’t the states? Why are we a republic only on the federal level when looking at an executive, but a direct democracy on the state level?
The entire idea behind America was a republic system. It was to safeguard against the problems of democracy which have been well-known throughout history. Especially well-known to our founding fathers who wrote on the risks of popular-vote democracy extensively.
So, why aren’t states utilizing a republic system as well, if we are in the republic? We know the risks of straight ticket democracy, so why are we using it?
It may have made sense when each state had so few people as in 1800, but now not so much. The entire conception of state was designed in such a manner as to keep each distinct group respectively satisfied and like they had representation. Now, depending on where you reside in your state, you may or may not have any.
Even more troubling, now states are no longer homogeneous. Now, many parts of the state are polar opposite to certain key city-areas who dominate them.
In certain states, such as Illinois, single cities dominate the entire political spectrum for the entire state. Was that not the entire purpose of what the republic was designed to prevent? But it can’t, because the state is a democracy, while the nation is the republic.
With states in our declining, degenerate society embracing different cultures and lifestyles, an actual republic system should be designed in each state as well. Each county should function as a state does on a federal level in regards to the electoral college.
Single cities should not dictate the rules of the entire state. Citizens in smaller counties should have an equal voice that does not get trampled out by the mob rule. Instead of politicians solely focusing on major population areas, they should be forced to reach out to smaller counties as well. The population-center bias has to go, this is a major reason why our rural areas are in decline. No politicians care about them because they would never get them elected. They are abandoned.
Currently, state governors, reps, and their states federal votes are all chosen based off of a straight democratic ticket. We’re not a democracy. Why do we act like it? All states should use an electoral college system in their governorships, their representatives, and in choosing who wins their state for the federal election processes.
A state’s popular vote should never be the deciding factor. The founders designed the electoral college system to avoid that exact thing from happening on the federal level. It is obvious with the growth we’ve seen that it should be instituted on the state levels as well. Hell, most of our states have more people than the entire nation did when the electoral college system was implemented on the federal level.
Is this problem not glaringly obvious?
Even with the fake votes and the fraudulent election, Biden “won” the most total votes… and also the fewest total counties. Biden won only 477 counties, while Trump won 2,497 counties. That means Biden won only about 16-17% of the entire country’s counties.
How is that not majority rule? Albeit just a modern mobish, mega-city focused version of it?
The people in different counties are different and deserve to have an equal voice even when they do not have an equal population size. Los Angeles, California, should not be able to mob rule over every action in rural Nebraska due to their sheer population size.
This happens constantly across the entire US, where rural areas and all of the surrounding counties get nothing while the degenerate mega-city decide and centralize everything.
Pure democracy will degrade and crash. Certain republican safeguards, such as the electoral college, can help preserve it. A universal republic approach is one such method. It is not the only method needed, of course. But a crucial one.
It is far superior than what we have now. A clear cut winner above this half-baked mixed republic democracy approach.
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Direct Democracy is Terrible: Protecting Representative Democracy
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Democracy Sucks: Let’s Return To Stakeholder Voting
The Amount of Votes That Went For Biden Is Truly Terrifying
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