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Accelerationism is a suicide campaign. Don't fall for it.
Accelerationism is the belief that increasing the speed by which society degrades will somehow help the nation in the long-term by invoking the collapse/crisis sooner.
However, during the degenerative stage of anacyclosis, accelerationism is a massive threat. The cycle of collapse can go in a few different directions when degrading (communism, fascism, dictatorship, monarchy, et cetera). Many of those directions are not in your interest.
In fact, many of them are dually opposed to your interest and possibly even your own survival. When accelerating, you are not creating a more favorable environment for yourself, but a better environment for the current centralizers that actually hold the power bases that will be used to enact the next transition.
If we do not yet control enough of the institutions and societal power bases to successfully win, the collapse will not go in our favor. The ones who do will decide our fate.
Accelerationists often seem to provoke an acceleration of the collapse while they themselves hold no power, so how they envision this would transpire into a benefit for them is a complete mystery to me.
The collapse of Cambodia was accelerated straight into the hands of the Khmer Rouge, who proceeded to slaughter nearly a fourth of the population because the populist alternatives did not have any bases of power. To not realize that this could happen in your own situation is foolish.
Accelerationism places more and more power into the hands of the enemy. It gives the cultural elitists more indoctrination control; it provides the isolated class even more fiscal power, and it removes every avenue by which we can fight against degeneracy. The nation becomes even further centralized by evil. It just makes it that much harder to fix or resist during the transition.
Without a decentralized or centralized-in-your-favor environment, the only thing accelerationism does is bring about tyranny sooner. This tyranny will probably not be in the interest of those promoting the accelerationism.
Our current situation is neither decentralized nor centralized in our favor. There are clearly evil elements that have consolidated power. By accelerating, we’re merely giving them more power. It won’t provoke change from the grey masses, it will only make them more willing to acquiesce out of fear.
When you consider a long duration of time, it is obvious how little accelerationism helps. It only makes the suffering come about faster. While also causing the non-degenerative stages of government to move by quicker.
Those who support accelerationism promote willingly handing over more power to corrupt actors, seeking even more centralization. They encourage evil to get an even stronger foothold in the nation. This is the opposite of the solution. The evil actors need to face decentralization. We need to centralize against them. Degeneracy needs to be rolled back. We need time to build institutional dominance. To acquire self-sufficiency. To get TCAs. To enclave. To build alternatives. To institutionalize.
We can’t fight back effectively if we don’t have these first, even if a crisis arises. We have few leaders and no institutions, while they have numerous leaders and all the institutions. Conflict now would not be in our favor.
Further evil and degeneracy will not lead toward benefit to us, it will only lead toward a further likelihood of tyranny and the continuation of the cycle.
Even if we won during any transition, it would lead toward a longer transition period as more of the population needs to be de-degenerated.
Even in the cases of a positive stage of the cycle (such as during the good times of an early republic) accelerationism makes no sense. Instead, care should be taken to convert the public to our side early to reduce the harm that the inevitable degeneracy will bring. This will equally foster a quicker resistance when the degenerative stages are reached, as the population has already been preparing through a slow transition toward the degenerative stage. The positive stage gives us many tools that haven’t been centralized yet to do so. We can acquire them before the others.
The main objective should always be to centralize the power centers in our interest. Any agent that works against this is likely not truthfully on our side or is a useful idiot for the other side.
To fight, we need to delay their centralization while acquiring our own. Not just hand the enemy more power and hope that our people will revolt. That’s not going to happen. They haven’t woken up yet. They sure won’t when the enemy controls even more means of information distribution, a normal life, and media.
It’s a suicide campaign. Don’t fall for it.
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