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Under a globalist society, money can buy anything. Even the public square, apparently.
Elon Musk mentioned that he believes that Twitter is a “public square” platform. He then purchased that public square.
On an instinctual level, I think everyone can tell something is wrong with this. If there is such a thing as a modern, internet-dependent public square, it probably shouldn’t be able to be purchased by a billionaire and subsequently privatized. There is risk inherent in that even being a possibility. Even those cheering this on should be able to recognize that.
Maybe it will work out okay for us dissidents this time. Maybe it won’t. But the fact that the option exists means that at some point it won’t work out well for us. Just like how it wasn’t before. It’s a never-ending game of cat and mouse.
If we frame this in terms of what is better for us dissidents in the long term, I’m not sure this is a good development. It harms our only promising option, the parallel approach.
I’m no fan of Musk, or the idea of a “private” public square platform. Even with that bias disclosed, to not see an issue with a foreign-born, isolated class member controlling our modern public square is insane. Lest we forget he became a billionaire by exploiting globalization, government regulations, and “climate change” hysteria.
What happens if Musk does not do as he says he will? Or when he realizes he will now be up against the titans of globalism? Musk is not known for being the most benevolent of character, even though he promotes that idea often. His industries have been built off of government funding, “climate change” government programs, offshoring jobs to China, and playing the businessman regulations game. It’s always important to recognize that a man does not get to his level of wealth by virtue or intelligence. They get there by playing the business game.
I addressed the cult worship of businessmen in degenerating societies here: Who The Nation Admires. We are definitely inflicted with this disease.
If Musk privatizes Twitter and then turns sour, what happens? Then it’s in the centralized hands of the unknown, or back to being publicly traded. No good long-term solution can be found with privatizing the public square. Libertarian philosophy is not sustainable, and it won’t work here either. Eventually, everything will be centralized against the virtuous public if it is not centralized by the virtuous public.
It’s either a public square or it is not, but it’s not a public square if it’s wholly owned by the elite. Whether that is as it was (SCM centralized) or as it is now (isolated class centralized). We traded one elitist for another. Maybe this one will treat us slightly better. Maybe he won’t. But the root issue still remains.
The two obvious options we have for Twitter in the United States are all decisively decided by capital levels:
Both options are trash. If we were being honest with what should happen, it would require a revocation of any isolated class funding from the platform, for it to be made into an actual public square online platform. Not publicly traded and not privatized. Then, the cultural marker aspect would need to be removed.
I’m still convinced Twitter is just trying to corral the sheep back to it. Many have already flocked back. This has and will harm all the parallel options that we have been building.
If anyone honestly believes that we will “reach” the leftists that use Twitter, they haven’t fully accepted the reality of what we’re dealing with regarding the grey masses. They can’t be saved. The Right has spent the last four decades trying to compromise and find agreement with the leftists while they have spent the last four decades trying to destroy us. There is no mutual ground. There never will be. We have to break out of this mindset or we will continue to be decimated slowly over time.
Our way forward is with enclaving and creating parallel institutions that actually speak up for our interests and then keeping them centralized in our interests. A libertarian billionaire will not do that. Twitter will never do that. But they both can siphon away support and usage from those that would.
Even if you are happy about the recent developments with Twitter, I encourage you to note the power that international capital has. It can literally buy what he called the “public square”. If one man can purchase that essential institution, then the isolated class can purchase anything. If that does not raise red flags about our globalist, libertarian, money-driven society, then nothing will.
Enjoy the screeching from the leftists. Especially the lead Twitter Lawyer who is currently crying because she may not be able to ban whoever she wants anymore. It’s certainly fun. But don’t count this as some massive win. It’s simply a shifting of control from one centralizer to another.
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