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The Plain Values Magazine

A magazine recommendation for my readers.

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A Recommendation: Plain Values

I was initially recommended to check out the Plain Values magazine through Gab. A few months back I bought a year subscription to test it out.

I have thoroughly enjoyed every edition. It’s a pretty great magazine. Lots of stories of faith, family, homesteading, and general knowledge that our generations have lost.

Here is their description of the magazine:


Ten years ago, we started publishing a print magazine that stands on a few pillars: sharing the gospel with the Amish across the country, the beauty of adoption, and shining a light on the dignity of kids with special needs. Over the years, we have welcomed many “non-Amish” folks to our passel of readers, and we added more of ourselves into Plain Values, including homesteading content. At times, folks ask us “what is Plain Values all about?” I think they ask because we have such a wide variety of topics inside our pages. We do that purposefully because we want to be well-rounded, well-read, and deeply thoughtful people. Our favorite people are those who have walked sections of life’s road that are bumpy and hard and have not given up on God’s purpose for their lives. We believe it makes us deeper, more soulful, and if we let it, wiser for the road ahead.


At the heart, Plain Values is about cultivating anchored community and living in authentic community with our neighbors. We are far from perfect, but we do the best we can to live out what we write about, and it seems to resonate with people. Today we are read by 300k plus folks across the nation and have tons of great content coming. A few years ago, we saw an opportunity to do more and began Room to Bloom. It is a nonprofit focused on exposing the realities of the many children with special needs stuck in hard and dark places around the world. Over the last two years, we have played a role in bringing 16 kids home to their “forever families,” and we will not stop until the orphanages are empty! We will rest in Heaven!

It’s a good magazine for homeschooling families because of the educational material within and skills to practice with the young ones. Also useful if you just want some occasional normalcy from clown world, in print edition.

Check them out if you are interested: Click here.

I also subscribe to the Voice of Martyrs magazine, the Christian History Institute magazine, and the ICR magazine. Those three are Christian magazines. All three are completely free, but Plain Values is not.

Since I’m younger, I never grew up reading the newspaper or the traditional magazines, but it’s fun to receive these every once in a while. Breaks up the “always online” cycle.

If any of them have piqued your curiosity, check them out.

And my normal disclaimer:

I am not affiliated, paid, or sponsored by any of these magazines. In fact, they probably don’t even know I exist. I am just sharing this because I enjoy them, and figure my readers may, as well.


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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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