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Exploring the genesis of how nations fall.
It continues to shock me how many writers postulate theories of civilizational or national collapse that propose a physical cause as the reason a decline occurs.
Yet none of these groups, however well-intentioned, seem to realize the most basic realization of all regarding national collapse. This realization is simple: If you can see or study a physical ailment, then the decline is already occurring.
The true collapse must have already started before the physical component is even noticeable. The physical symptom cannot be the illness, because it is the symptom.
Something else had to have already degenerated to allow that physical illness to rise to the surface enough for us to see it.
There are three essentials that make up societies: nation (people), system, and soul. The origin of the decline is found in the last one: the national soul. The system (or in this case, systems) can only change if the soul degrades first. There is a spiritual nature to all things that lead the physical.
Nation-states start the decline with the soul of their people. Their collective soul is altered from what it once was, regardless of the unique conditions (biology, heritage, blood, and on) that built it in the first place. This soul then degenerates through various mechanisms, which is what produces the beginning of the political collapse of nations and states.
Everything else is a physical ailment—a noticeable symptom—of this bedrock collapse. The people’s own spiritual nature itself changes. Our soul is even more than just beliefs, goals, desires, mindset, outlook, faith, trust, hopes, understanding of the world, feelings, intellect, and on and on. It is the animating force that directs us. It encompasses and expands off of each of these particular characteristics of the heart/mind/spirit. This is imperative to understand.
George MacDonald once said: “You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”
The exact same applies for nation-states. A nation does not have a soul. The nation is a soul. They have a state/governing systems/country/etc. Just like how you grow, evolve, and change, so to do nation-states. But the inverse is true as well: since we can devolve, so can nation-states.
Just like as humans, this is not a linear line. The more degenerate we are, the faster we fall even further. It increases as the condition gets worse. Consider a drug junkie. The individual does not start off completely lost and immediately jumps into Kensington Ave condition. They start off normal, get a little rough over time, gradually reach a major tipping point, and then nosedive from that point. This is why America has gotten so much rougher over the past three decades, while the pace seemed much more moderate in the past. It is because we are in the nosedive point right now.
As Christians, we believe that the souls of men last forever. The national soul is the collective soul (emergent, not reductionist) of the individuals that reside within that nation.
God judges nations by this collective soul all throughout the Bible. He did it constantly with Israel. This should not be negated or overlooked. Israel’s soul changed, which caused the physical ailments (such as idol worship or eating in an unclean fashion), that then invoked God’s wrath and punishment.
If modern materialists lived back then, they would postulate that the decline arose because the Israelites had too much meat for dinner or spent too much money on golden idols. But that would be (hilariously) wrong. It completely misses the point, just like how they miss the greater picture even today. It is a spiritual decline first, then the physical symptoms arise.
The national collapse starts with the spirit and ends with the physical results. Until more people recognize this, they will keep being led astray by secular materialist theories. Trying to cure or prevent one physical symptom (economics, biology, public morality, etc.) will do nothing to stop the degeneration of the soul. The collapse will still occur, just using different pathways.
What we are seeing now is not the beginning (or even the intermediate stage) of the American decline, but the late stage. The symptoms prove that we have had this illness for a long time.
That spiritual disease just laid dormant for a while, but now we are quickly becoming terminally septic.
Read Next: Oswald Spengler: The Decline of the West and Rationalism
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Once you’ve reached the top, the only way forward is down again.
This is especially evident with social media.
Facebook grew until the entire world was on it, and then it started to decline from there, as on the one hand the older people die off, get severely ill, or just lose interest, while on the other hand the next generation doesn’t want to be on the same platform as mommy and daddy and get constantly monitored online in real time.
Those people will pick a platform parents don’t understand, can’t understand, and will not understand, and that happens to be TikTok.
Same happens with nations, except at a far slower pace.
Life sucks, so people improve it.
People improve life, now life is better than ever.
Because life is better, they bet on it to continue forever, not realizing they’re on a decline.
And by the time they finally realize they’re no longer between the clouds, they’re already swimming between the sharks, and life sucks again.
Technology is the same way.
Hobbyists made computers great, with that knowledge they made it all easy to use so that everyone can use it.
Now there’s layers upon layers of complexity between machine and human, operation is easier, but at the cost of knowledge.
Due to the lack of knowledge, newer generations are unable to further develop new systems or fix legacy systems.
As the OG’s die, the knowledge is completely lost, and we have many generations of people riding horses again because nobody knows how to make cars anymore.
And you can perhaps apply this same pattern to literally everything.
Well said.
Decline is psyops turned on domestic focuses and governments, lax policing of foreign agents on US territory, and mostly fusion of agent infiltrated corporations disguised as NGOs, into government roles.