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Path Forward For Americans

The Only Path Forward For Americans

There is only one path forward for Americans that want to keep their sovereignty. This article is discussing how we fight for that path.

Path Forward For Americans

As more and more of our people are starting to realize that everything is fake, the culture is worthlessly degenerate, elections don’t matter, and we’re on a collision course for destruction, it’s important to tell people what they can do to fight back.

We do no favors by constantly complaining about things without providing adequate solutions to those problems.

We can’t win through traditional means (elections, protesting, etc). These are things that only leftists can do. If we try them, we will be hunted and imprisoned (by the likes of the corrupt FBI and DOJ).

So, what can we do?

We can fight for a partition.

The only way we get this partition is by conquering states.

So, that’s the goal. That’s the only path forward: Conquer your state.

To do so:

  • Run for local office.
    • Mayor
    • City councils
    • County/Regional/Equivalent chairs
    • School boards
    • Judges
    • Sheriffs
    • Et cetera
  • Become a precinct chair for the GOP.
  • Become a state rep.
  • Create new, smaller regionalized parties that can dominate local elections and perhaps grow large enough to take over your state.
  • Hold state reps accountable (call, email, petition, fight against, campaign for, etc).
  • Take over state cultural institutions (SCMs).
  • Remove state centralizers and fight their influence where you can (By doing literally anything: stickers, graffiti, car decals, removing propaganda, whatever).
  • Spread talk of secession or partitioning.
  • Do not shop nor financially support anyone against your positions. Convince others to do the same.
  • Find or build a community that can help with all of the above.

You also have to harden yourself. Become a non-weak target. Otherwise, once they start pushing back, you’ll cave.

To do this:

  • Become as self-sufficient as possible.
  • Become as financially secure as possible.
  • Remove leftists from your life.
  • Learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones.
  • Stop watching media, Hollywood, and TV. Free your mind.
  • Convince others to do the same.

I am working on all of these things as well. It’s not an overnight change, nor is it easy. But it is the only viable path forward.

Nothing else will work or help us.

Those that resist a partition are merely denying the gravity of the situation. Half of the country wants to dominate you, control every aspect of your life, and force you into submission. You are fighting for your life, whether you realize it or not. Finding “common ground” with these people is not reality.

Why would you want to continue to live amongst these people? People that inject kids with hormones, murder millions on unborn children, and do everything they can to show how much they hate you? I do not want to dominate them, I just want to be away from them. Let them have their shithole society, I want nothing to do with it.

I highly encourage my readers that haven’t to read “American Nations” by Colin Woodard. He is an annoying liberal, and the latter 1/3 of the book is complete propaganda, but the first 2/3rds of it is mind-blowing. It shows the different cultural nations that have always (and still do) exist in the USA. It clearly demonstrates how the American people have always been this divided and have been fighting against the “Yankee” people of the northeast and the left coast that have constantly sought to force their way of life and beliefs on everyone on this continent since before the United States was even founded. Nothing has changed. They are still doing exactly what they were doing in the 1700’s, except now it’s far more degrading and destructive. We can never live with these people, nor should we want too.

The only way we can have our own nation again is if we declare ourselves free. It can’t come internally. We only get it if we partition this nation away from them. The right-leaners in this country have been fighting against the leftists since before 1776. It has never ceased. It’s time to recognize that these differences are irreconcilable and split away, peacefully preferably.

Otherwise, there are only two options: either we dominate them or they dominate us. There is no middle-ground in this type of dispute. And neither is a good outcome. Let’s just break off so neither has to dominate the other. We can all live how we desire.

That’s how we move forward. And the above list is how we get there. We have to conquer enough states to have the power to partition away from the federal level without resistance.

Then we can finally be free from their constant quest for domination over us and they can have their “utopia”.

Read Next:

An Important Lesson In Defending The Narrative From Infiltration

Follow The Money: Who Profits Off Of COVID? – Part 2

“When I Was Your Age”


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Insofar as defending one’s self and their loved ones, this is the principal reason why I wholly support the commoditization of 3D printed guns and ammo, so as to make it easier to do so, and with proper training, too.

  2. I read that book in 2011. Very insightful. It explains a lot. And I’ve been living, temporarily for work, in Vermont for the past 18 months. Iv’e visited the other five New England states. What Woodward describes is accurate. But, most of the madness is centered in the universities and media organizations. New Hampshire for instance, is a very pro-liberty state. Vermont is a state divided between the sane and the woke. What this would mean in a conflict I don’t know.

    • I generally write off the New England states. Too much population density, leftist puritans, and fully leftist controlled institutions for any small rightwing groups to push back against. Plus, they don’t have any of the organizational or institutional backings that places like the south and west do.

      There are some good guys out that way. My hope would be they get out once the conflict starts.

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