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the nation-state as a living organism header image lung cancer

The Nation-State As A Living Organism

A living, breathing, and thinking entity.

the nation-state as a living organism header image lung cancer

A Living Organism

The nation (a group of similar, mostly homogeneous people) is easily defined as a living organism:


-a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.

-a form of life considered as an entity; an animal, plant, fungus, protistan, or moneran.

-any organized body or system conceived of as analogous to a living being

-any complex thing or system having properties and functions determined not only by the properties and relations of its individual parts, but by the character of the whole that they compose and by the relations of the parts to the whole.

The latter two clearly define a nation. The nation exists as a living entity that acts and formulates thought based on the character (and the relations of the parts) of the whole system. No person is truly individual and independent. They are a part of their environment and the environment contributes a piece of them.

This ‘character of the whole‘ is derived from the culture, traditions, the moral system, biology, and the behavior of the individual parts (i.e.: the national citizens). The combination of these elements is how we understand the word “society”. It’s the combination of these elements that characterizes the whole.

The “state” piece is part of this organism, as well. The state acts like the immune system for the organism, purging what needs purged, defending the whole, and acting as a guard. It’s an integral part that holds a significant key to the “relations of the parts to the whole” part of the definition. The state relates to the other parts to an extreme measure, similar to our immune system.

But the immune system does not always relate to the whole in a positive manner. Sometimes the immune system attacks healthy elements in its environment, such as when a person has an autoimmune disease. Other times, the immune system does not stop defective cells, allowing them to proliferate and grow, such as when a person has cancer.

The very same sequence happens with the nation-state. Our state has been actively attacking healthy elements inside of the nation, such as our traditions, heritage, and history. The state attacks the heritage nation that it grew from.

Our state has also allowed defective cells to explode in amount, such as the degenerates, the criminals, and the mentally ill far-leftists. These defective components are pieces that a healthy state would remove or suppress. But our state currently does the exact opposite by protecting them as they proliferate.

Both of these processes are akin to exactly what a failing immune system would do in an individual organism.

The conclusion of this analysis is that our nation-state has the civilizational equivalent of cancer and an autoimmune disease. Which, when combined is often terminal.

Clown world is, quite literally, cancer.

When the civilization ages, it acquires a civilizational form of cancer and an autoimmune disease. Thus, beginning the descent.

This sequence is all a part of the cycle of collapse. The state gets old and destroys itself from within.

The state component contributes to the degeneration of those key elements of the nation discussed prior (their morality, their tradition, their behavior, their biology, etc). The immune system [the state] attacks its own foundational morality, their own history, and healthy behavior while changing the biological piece through immigration and dysgenic breeding practices.

It’s eerie how similar the decline of the nation-state is to a failing immune system. We are really not that far off from nature as we claim to be.

If we’re trying to find a solution to stop this from happening, we need to think of our late-stage society as akin to a sick patient with cancer. We can’t use the same system we used to get to this point, or we’ll end up with the exact same disease yet again.

Instead, we need a way for the nation to organically purge and replace the defunct immune system component when the need arises.

Read Next:

The Importance Of The Government System

The Intelligentsia and The Mob Unite To Firebomb Pregnancy Centers

The Post-Ideological Age: Ideology And Identity


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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