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The countries that we think of as the "most free" are the least free when it comes to vaccine mandates and covid tyranny.
We always consider Western nations as “free” nations. But, when looking at their freedom through the lens of forced or coercive covid inoculation, that doesn’t seem to hold much truth.
Let’s review. You can check Wikipedia’s entry here: Vaccination Policy By Country. Which is very helpful, but is limited to only certain countries.
Or you can read an article about it, such as this one:
FACTBOX-Countries making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory
Oct 8 (Reuters) – A sharp upturn in infections due to the Delta variant and a slowdown in vaccinations have pushed governments to make COVID-19 shots mandatory for health workers, other high-risk groups or dining out.
A growing number of countries are also making shots compulsory for public servants or travellers.
Here are some countries’ vaccine mandates:
It is mandatory for care home workers in England to have vaccinations from October.
English nightclubs and other venues with large crowds require patrons to present proof of full vaccination from the end of September.
Britain is highly likely to require health workers to be vaccinated against COVID, Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Sept. 14.
Canada will place unvaccinated federal employees on unpaid leave and require COVID-19 shots for air, train and ship passengers.
Federal employees will be required to declare their full vaccination status by Oct. 29. Workers and passengers aged 12 and older on trains, planes and marine transport operating domestically must show they have been inoculated by Oct. 30.
From Sept. 13, vaccines are required for patrons of non-essential businesses such as restaurants and movie theatres.
Authorities in Costa Rica said on Sept. 28 all state workers will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19, making it one of the first countries in Latin America to impose a coronavirus vaccination mandate.
A “no jab, no job” coronavirus policy went into effect in Fiji on Aug. 15, AFP reported, with unvaccinated public servants forced to go on leave. Those who remain unvaccinated by November will be dismissed.
In addition, employees at private firms could face fines and companies could be forced to stop operations over vaccine refusals.
FRANCE All healthcare and care home workers, home aids and urgent care technicians must have had at least their first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine by Sept. 15.
Hospitals, care homes and health centres have suspended around 3,000 workers across France for failing to comply with mandatory COVID vaccination, the government said on Sept. 16.
Greece on July 12 made vaccinations mandatory for nursing home staff with immediate effect and healthcare workers from September.
As part of new measures, only vaccinated customers are allowed in bars, cinemas, theatres and other closed spaces.
Hungary’s government has decided to make vaccinations mandatory for healthcare workers.
The world’s fourth most populous country made inoculations mandatory in February, threatening fines of up to 5 million rupiah ($357).
The Italian government made it obligatory for all workers either to show proof of vaccination, a negative test or recent recovery from infection. The new rules will come into force on Oct. 15.
Any worker who fails to present a valid health certificate will be suspended without pay, but cannot be sacked, according to a draft of the decree seen by Reuters.
While some European Union states have ordered their health workers to get vaccines, none have made the Green Pass mandatory for all employees, making Italy a test case for the continent.
Oddly absent are some of the most “tyrannical” nations, as we usually depict them in the West.
Ironically, the most anti-free nations concerning covid are the ones that constantly proclaim their supposed freedom the loudest. The hardest hit are nations such as Italy, USA, France, Lithuania, New Zealand, and Australia.
The rule by many framework places a special emphasis on making it seem like they are the “freedom” framework. Or that they are the sole holders of the flame of liberty.
But they rarely are.
Dominance by an idiotic majority or by centralizers is not freedom. It is just another method of authoritarianism. Another method by which the centralizer gets more power.
When even the “evil, tyrannical” authoritarian countries are actually freer than our own republics and democracies, we should take a long, hard look at the reality we were told to believe.
So, get the shot or starve to death, bigot. You’re “free” to choose.
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