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most emblematic image of 2022

The Most Emblematic Image For 2022

Happy New Year everyone. Within is my top choice for the image that sums up the year.

most emblematic image of 2022

The Image That Represents The Year: 2022

This image is a strong contender for the most emblematic image to explain 2022 to future generations.

When the context behind it is included, it really sums up the year quite nicely:

The Most Emblematic Image For 2022 - Zelensky addresses congress

I’m sure many will argue with me because we’ve had a lot of clown world symbolic imagery this year. Let’s just be thankful that our rulers are such a joke that we have so many to choose from.

To argue my reasoning, just consider what this one simple image displays for us:

Our Politburo Hates America

  • Members of the uniparty are hoisting a non-American flag in front of the American congress.
  • Two demonic women in major positions of power are holding that flag.
  • Our own American flag is blocked out by the image of this foreign flag.

Our State Is Insane And Evil

  • A foreign Ukrainian Jew that the CIA installed in a coup six years ago is actively waging a war using neo-nazi groups within his country against our major hegemonic competitor (Russia), and is given a floor in front of our legislature to ask for more money to fight this war that may lead to World War III.

Our Economy Is Crumbling

  • We are in the midst of a severe economic recession, massive inflation, job problems, a foreign invasion, dollar devaluation, and infrastructure problems, but we’re giving tens of billions to hundreds of billions to Ukraine. That is the entire reason this speech was given.
  • It appears that the Ukrainian flag is of the cheapest material imaginable, proving that even the United States politburo is facing the inflationary pressures.

Everything In Our Country Revolves Around Money

  • The top worldwide lobbyist (Zelensky) comes to beg the United States for more money. Much of which will just be laundered back to the United States uniparty through FTX scams and other assorted shenanigans. A revolving door of fiscal corruption.
  • The entire reason for the visit was to convince U.S. to give more money to kill more Russians.

We Face A Major Decline Of Respect For Institutions/Self

  • Zelensky shows up to ask for billions in aid in front of the most powerful congress in the world in a sweatshirt. They comply.

We Are A Nation Divided And A Nation Of Weakness

  • Half of the house republicans didn’t even attend this event. This isn’t necessarily a good thing. They should have attended and rebuked him. So, we’re divided, but also lead by pathetic weaklings.

The State Is A Uniparty And Favors Massive Inflation

  • The Senate approved the $1.7 trillion spending bill that included nearly $50 billion in Ukraine aid after this address by Zelensky.

We Reside Under A Matriarchy

  • God mentions in Isaiah (3:12) that when a people are being judged, he punishes them by allowing women to rule over them. Because of the sins of America, we have a matriarchy appearing in many states and on the federal level, as clearly demonstrated by this image where the two top American rulers displayed are women.

The Soyboy Problem

  • The only other male on the speaking platform (aside from Zelensky) looks like the literal incarnation of the soyboy/soyjack meme.

We Worship Scientism: Mask Lunacy

  • The rulers are not wearing masks while the ruled class is still forced to wear a mask. This shows the past couple of years complete lack of any common sense. Masks were supposed to protect others, so if everyone isn’t wearing them, no one is protected. But they are still mandated for the plebs in elite circles as a submission ritual.

Because of the above, the image is a great choice for the 2022 award for most symbolic image of the year. It shows the full clown circus of our political class on full display.

Zelensky address meme

Honestly, the only thing it is missing is a pride flag. I’m surprised they didn’t include that in some capacity, such as replacing the American stars in the triangle case of the masked slave with the rainbow.

If it had that, I think it would be perfect. The image already has everything else: covid, masks, materialism, demons, foreign influence, inflation, women-rulers, and so on.

If nothing else, it is a strong contestant for the coveted top spot for 2022.

But don’t let this get you down. 2022 was an odd year—But a needed year. This country needs punishment, and my readers are strong enough to endure it. We will rise above stronger for it. And anything that refines us is great for us.

I, for one, am happy that our leaders are so ridiculous. At least it provides a comedic reprieve.

Happy New Year everyone. May this next year be both a great one for you personally and a horrible one for this wicked system we reside under.

Read Next: Climate Geoengineering


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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