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The Modern West: Everything Is Upside Down

Everything in the modern West is an inversion. A false reality rejecting the actual truth.

The Modern West header

Modern Western Civilization is a complete inversion of reality. We’ve erected a dead corpse on puppet strings to represent a healthy, thriving society.

Pretty much everything that surrounds us is 1) fake, 2) gay, 3) lies, or 4) clown, or some combination of the four.

Reality is abused while literal abominations are celebrated and enforced. From our completely fake economic numbers based on a debt-based lie to the medical/health industry that is killing us with fake clown foods, nothing is real or based on truth.

Just look at this (often quoted) list:

  • They pretend GDP is economic activity, it’s not.
  • They pretend men with mutilated balls and penises are women; they’re not.
  • They pretend fiat money is wealth, it’s not.
  • They pretend inflation is wealth creation or economic growth, it’s not.
  • They pretend GDP growth is economic growth, it’s not (it’s just inflation).
  • They pretend the service sector is the manufacturing sector, it’s not.
  • They pretend seed oils are animal fats, tallow, butter; they’re not.
  • They pretend carbs and highly processed garbage is food, it’s not.
  • They pretend imported ethnicities fresh off the boat are White people or Americans; they’re not.
  • They pretend jews are God’s chosen people, they’re not.
  • They pretend that how much they pay for something is the same as how much of it they’re getting; it’s not.
  • They pretend interracial couples are the same as homogeneous couples, they’re not.
  • They pretend that single moms are the same as married couples rearing children, they’re not.
  • They pretend artificial hormones administered extraneously are the same as naturally endogenously secreted hormones, they’re not.
  • They pretend ugliness, crassness, vulgarity and garishness are the same as beauty, class, grace; they’re not.
  • They pretend that pornography is normal and healthy; it’s not.
  • They pretend poison or sterilant injections are the same as natural immunity; it’s not.
  • They pretend parasitism is the same as labor, it’s not.
  • They pretend kids being raised by two sodomites of the same gender is normal; it’s not.
  • They pretend tolerance is a virtue, it’s not. (It’s actually a vice).
  • They pretend libertarians are right-wingers; they’re not.
  • They pretend that tradition is useless old-timer toss-aways; it’s not.
  • They pretend that the “experts” know better than you; they don’t.
  • They pretend they are the good guys… But they have never been.

Everything in the modern West is an inversion. A false reality rejecting the actual truth but masquerading as it. We all live and have to survive under these conditions, constantly dealing with the lying among ourselves and our neighbors. Is there any wonder why everyone is so deranged and messed up? We all know this is wrong, but the entire system still fosters such a condition as a requirement of living.

There is not much we can do When Everything Surrounding Us Is Nothing But Lies. But there is one thing we must do: Speak the truth in the midst of this fallen land.

It’s all we can do.

Read Next: On Heritage: The Importance Of The Stones


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. DING! DING! DING! What do we have for him boys? Newsflash! PEOPLE LOVE LIES. Nobody wants honesty. People incentivize bad behavior only to wonder why things are getting worse smh. Case in point. A few years ago when everybody was going nuts over COVID I told a small group of people that it was a total hoax. I simply said “You’re being blatantly lied to. COVID is a hoax. There’s nothing to fear. You can’t get sick from something that doesn’t exist”. You would’ve thought they’d thank me since it meant they didn’t have to shoot themselves up with a toxic cocktail, quit their jobs or comply with any of the maniacal “mandates” their political leaders conjured up. But noooooooo, they looked at me as if I was an alien from another planet smh. The looks on their faces was priceless lol. Even now I still get the same looks from people even though it should be plainly obvious by now. People are nuts. They’d rather 1. Shoot themselves up with a toxic death shot (Including their own children) 2. Cut themselves off from friends & relatives 3. Close their businesses at their own peril 4. Collectively spend billions on masks & covid tests that don’t work than to acknowledge the truth & act accordingly. In my opinion, denial is extremely expensive lol.

    • Great comment IDGAF. Thanks for the thoughts. I also had quite a fun fun experiences with the covidiots acting like nutjobs when I confronted them about their insanity. Those memories I will cherish for the rest of my days.

    • It’s not just covid, it’s with absolutely everything.
      It’s just that they made it extra obvious with covid that made a lot more people realize the lies with real eyes, especially the auth-right and lib-right noticed, but I have seen some lib-left people realize too.

      I’ve been doing something called the “carnivore diet” (or carnivore lifestyle at this point, because I don’t plan on going back anymore) for about a year now, which not only healed just about every single health related problem, it actually prevents me from getting these problems ever again too.
      This too has exposed to me so many lies we’re being told about nutrition, how many supermarket isles are filled with just pure junk food intended to kill you, and how everyone else loads up shopping carts with all that crap.

      The diet/lifestyle also exposed to me the absolute lies about aging.
      Things like “you’re an adult when you’re 18, your body starts to break down in your 30s, you’ll get grey hair in your 50s, in your 60s you’re barely alive, and in your 70s you die of old age”.
      Peers of my age group look much older than I do, feels like I even reversed aging a little bit with this lifestyle, and people who have been doing this for decades are in their 80s, but look, feel, act, and pretty much live like they were in their 40s for example.

      Another lie about how you’re supposed to eat.
      We were thought 3 meals a day with snacks in between, or 6 meals a day depending on where you live.
      All I need is 1 meal a day, I’m never hungry, and have seemingly unlimited energy throughout the day.

      This is why the rulers are so in favor of veganism, because vegans are always hangry, always sick, and just age a whole lot faster, which translates to a lot more money for the food cartels and Big Pharma.
      And this is why they’re so against red meat, because if everyone were to eat only red meat and nothing else, supermarkets would be minimalistically tiny with fewer customers, the entire medical industry would collapse, food factories would disappear, mass obedience would vanish (because everyone would become self sufficient), and lies would get exposed naturally.

  2. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that western lies are being spread worldwide, or the fact that everyone believes in those lies, just because they’re western.

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