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ministry of truth changes history

The Ministry Of Truth: Gaslighting

There is no better tool at gaslighting than the mainstream media, which has become a ministry of truth.

ministry of truth changes history

Changing History One News Article At A Time

It’s always helpful to see memes like this one to remember that you are not going crazy.

It is just the elites that are gaslighting you:

ministry of truth changes history - Washington Post on gas stoves over 2 day period
Quite the about-face

Most other mainstream media followed suit.

They have been doing this with a lot of topics lately. I have been noticing it especially with all the athletes dropping dead. Apparently, that is completely normal now.

Ditto with the new “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome“, that is totally not new at all according to the mainstream. It is completely normal for adults to just drop dead, apparently.

The media are making it seem like adults have been dropping dead for no reason at all our entire lifetimes. That is called gaslighting, which means to make someone question reality or their memory/sanity.

I know it is overplayed, but it is identical to the Ministry of Truth as described decades ago in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. Our ruling class just pivots narratives, pretends that the new narrative was always normal, and proclaims that anyone that doubts it is crazy.

But we’re not crazy. We’re aware. We can watch them do this in real time now, given the short attention spans of most people that allow them to do this within a two-day time period.

It’s not just media, however. The same thing is evident in the scientism community.

For example, gaslighting was and still is all the rage with the climate change cultists.

Remember the “vanishing ozone layer“, that is now actually stronger? Remember the “no more polar bears” and “melting ice caps” that have stable populations or grown larger?

What about one of my favorites—The “no snow by 2020” argument? How is that one going?

ministry of truth changes history - The Australian no snow by 2020
Certain places in the United States just had record snow levels in 2022

But lest you think this was an old mantra from the early 2000s and 2010s, I did a quick search and stumbled upon dozens of articles within the last year that are still yelping about a “no snow” future.

Here is one from Dec 2021, for instance, that hypothesizes a “no snow” California. At least they move their doomsday projection out further (2050) than their predecessors, which allows them to gaslight for longer. But the concept is still the same.

Never trust anything they say. Their entire purpose is to manipulate us, so we question our memories and perceptions with their narrative. Do not let them. And help others by pointing out their lies.

Regardless of the struggle, we should be thankful that our rulers sure don’t gaslight nearly as well as the Ministry of Truth did. Our leader’s failures are obvious.

They sure aren’t sending their best.

Read Next: What It Means To Be A Republican


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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