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As I write this on Monday, the Lebanon-Israel war has (un)officially begun.
As I write this on Monday, the Lebanon-Israel war has (un)officially begun.
They aren’t calling it that, but with these KIA counts, it is what it is:
As of Monday (The 23rd of September), at least 492 have been martyed and 1,645 wounded in Israel’s strikes – Lebanon Health Ministry
That is in one day.
To compare: That’s almost half the total casualties from the entire 2006 war.
See here:
It is a little difficult to kill half of a thousand people and it not be a war.
No one wants to call it yet, but that’s exactly what just got started.
We knew it was coming a long time ago (Israel-Lebanon War: Coming Soon To A Livestream Near You), but now it is here.
Normally, I would not care too much about random foreign wars. But this is a big one: It is the conflict that certainly has the highest potential of the United States getting involved. One “misplaced” bomb somewhere and we’ll be off to war alongside the Zionists. What a nightmare that would become.
Pray for the people of Lebanon, especially for the Christians there. And pray we don’t get dragged into another Middle East sh*tshow, too.
We need those prayers now more than ever.
Read Next: Israel Has Nuclear Weapons: The Story Of Mordechai Vanunu
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