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The Media Navigator

The Media Navigator: What Media Sources You Should Read

Use The Media Navigator to find better news. A massive list of mainstream media sources by their bias and how close they are to power.

The Media Navigator

The media navigator is a helpful tool if you’re looking for reliable media sources, or just to mix up your current selection.

You can find it here:

media navigator image

Here is their listing if you would prefer that over the image:

  1. Liberal & close to power: CNN / The Daily Beast / VICE News / MSNBC / VOX / The Guardian / The Washington Post / Politico / Wikipedia
  2. Liberal & intermediateThe Young Turks / Mother Jones / Jacobin / The Intercept / AlterNet / Democracy Now! / The Nation / TruthOut / The Real News Network
  3. Liberal & distantWSWS /  The Canary / The Grayzone / Counterpunch / 21st Century Wire / Mint Press News / CovertAction Magazine / Moon of Alabama / offGuardian
  4. Center & closeBBC News / CBS News / ABC News / The New York Times / The Financial Times / The Hill / TIME Magazine / The Economist / USA Today
  5. Center & distantGlobal Research / Unlimited Hangout / Corbett Report / Consortium News / The Saker / Last American Vagabond / ICH / Anti-Empire Report / Voltaire Network
  6. Conservative & closeWall Street Journal / Telegraph (UK) / Daily Mail / New York Post / Washington Times / Spectator Fox News / National Review / Washington Examiner
  7. Conservative & intermediateAmerican Conservative / Daily Wire / Epoch Times / Townhall / Daily Caller / Gateway Pundit / OAN / Breitbart News / Revolver News
  8. Conservative & distantZero Hedge / Activist Post / Anti War / Information Liberation / Winter Watch / Lew Rockwell / American Free Press / The New American / The Unz Review

In general, if you’re getting any of your actual news from sources close to power, you’re doing it wrong.

You should only use those media sources to see what the mainstream media talking points are. They aren’t going to give you truth, “conservative” or not.

You should be mostly operating on the “Distant” (right) side. Even some of the distant options with liberal leanings are interesting, to get into the mind of the leftists.

It’s not a flawless graphic. For instance, I find it personally offensive that the Epoch Times is situated next to the Daily Wire. Epoch is far more distant than the Daily Wire, but they’re likely closer together because of the overall “middle” bracket. Same goes for Revolver news. They may not be an Unz Review, but they’re not that close to power. Most actual power sources hate Revolver.

But this is still one of the better starting points I think I have come upon in quite a few years. Just as with most things, use it wisely and with a cautious eye.

Recently, I’ve been enjoying Unz, Zero Hedge, Revolver, Townhall, and Epoch the most on the Right. For the more dissident left, I like to check Intercept, OffG, and if I’m really hating myself, Mother Jones. To get an idea of moronic mainstream talking points, you can’t beat Fox, Daily Mail, CNN, and The Washington Post. I personally find little use in centrists, but you may differ.

It’s good to have a mix of all. To defeat the enemy, you should know the enemy. So read what they write. But not too often, or you might go schizophrenic.

My two cents, at least. Hopefully this can provide you with a few better, or new, media sources.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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