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The Market God Cult

Poking fun at a segment of Enlightenment-brainwashed individuals that worship what I call the "market god'.

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The Most Hallowed And Divine Market God

There is a segment of Enlightenment-brainwashed individuals that worship what I like to call the ‘market god’ (lower case g, obviously).

It is my position that this is a modern cult. I have ample evidence to argue for this assertion:

  • The Market God Cult believes that the market is invisible, infallible, and all-knowing. All aspects of the actual God. According to them, the market will always set the perfect price and harmonize all aspects of the material society, if only we would not interfere with its righteous and sacred workings.
  • The Market God Cult believes that the market is infinite. According to them, it has always been with us, and has always been the true determinant of civilizational success (if the market does good, the civilization/state prospers. If it does poorly, the nations collapse or lose importance. This is exactly how the Bible talks about God interacting with the ancient Israelites).
  • The Market God Cult believes the market alone can solve all of our problems and is fully self-sufficient in itself. The market needs nothing else and overcomes/uses even our own errors.
  • The Market God Cult trusts that the market is the granter of wisdom. If you do not know what to do with your life, you must study and research for the current holy needs of the market to determine your path. Or if you don’t know what product to produce, it will be shown to you. And so on.
  • The Market God Cult states that if we would just put our faith and trust in it, our entire lives will be blessed changed (“Freedom and prosperity will reign down from heaven above, if we just open up our markets.”)
  • The Market God Cult is completely unhinged whenever anyone disagrees with their market god solution (“You’re just a communist! Everybody that doesn’t worship my god is a filthy socialist, communist nazi! If you don’t love x, you hate freedom!”)
    • Fun sidenote: I once had an email exchange with one of these cultists who repeatedly sent to me (in all capitals, of course) that there is only FREEDOM OR TYRANNY and that since I did not favor a completely free market with no restrictions whatsoever, that I was the next Stalin. True story. If you have ever wondered why so many dissident writers trash on libertarianism all the time, it is because we are inundated with them yelling or whining at us constantly. I get more flak from the market cultists than I do leftists, even though I’m far harsher with the left.
  • The Market God Cult believes that the market is immutable and omnipresent—Never changing and always present across time, place, and nation. They believe that the market solution will work for all people no matter their biological differences, time period, religion, heritage, or anything else. The market has been, is, and always will be the consecrated solution.
  • The Market God Cult believes we can anger harm the market if the government interferes with it. This will invoke the wrath of the market god harm GDP, of course.
  • The Market God Cult views the market as a most gracious high counselor, that will bestow upon all people the plentiful fruits of his vineyard. According to them, the rewards do not go just to the wealthy or the isolated class, but to all classes of society. And with no downsides!
  • The Market God Cult sees the world between only good capitalism and evil communism. Not realizing there is a lot of grey and a lot of alternatives. Even the mere idea that a concept of grey exists is considered heretical—If it is not the one true faith (pure open markets), then it is blasphemy.

This market god is the supreme Mammon for libertarians and similar strict-capitalist types.

It would be wise for those who align with this belief to make sure they are not placing the market above the true God, which means directly engaging in blasphemy and idolatry. The actual God said repeatedly that the worship of money (and by its extension, markets) is idolatry and will lead to destruction.

Contrary to what the market cultists believe, their solution is no solution at all. It will lead only to destruction, which is exactly what it has done in the West since this form of market god worship started at the beginning of modernity.

Market cultists will always claim we’ve never tried Real Free Market Capitalism™ (which is exactly what communists say), but the reality is, we’ve been doing it for centuries. Markets and the material have been the priority for ages. We’ve already tried the market god worship, and it failed. It’s just lead to greed, demographic destruction, disunity, an international class of centralizers hell bent on killing us all, and so on. Perhaps the market god was not such a great idea, after all.

Here are two serious lessons from this admittedly joshing article:

  1. If you trust markets more than God, there is a problem.
  2. If you try to structure your society around markets instead of God (and by extension, what He cares about: Faith, family, virtue, nation, etc.), you will incur problems.

That is why the United States is being destroyed. It’s not because we’ve abandoned our market god, but because we chose him as our god in the first place.

Read Next: The Radical Christian Degeneration Of The 1800s


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. So why exactly are you using an image of the Hindu deity Shiva to represent your market god if it is the equivalent of Mammon?

    • Three reasons:

      1) All fake, lowercase “gods” are the same thing: not god. So there is no difference. Shiva might as well be what we nickname the market god. It is arguably one of the best representations of a manmade idol that is worshipped, which is the point I am making in the article.
      2) It was the first image that came up when I searched for a featured image for this article.
      3) I thought it was funny.

      So a combination of laziness, personal humor, and wanting to troll both the Hindus and the market worshippers, I suppose.

      • best representations of a manmade idol that is worshipped

        It isn’t worshipped, any more than a cross or crucifixion is imagined to literally be Jesus himself, so your golden calf allegory doesn’t apply here.

          • Like I said before – nobody confuses the idol for the deity itself, and crosses and crucifixes are very much man-made. Funny for someone who writes so much about Mammon, you chose not to use a picture for an article that was perfect for it.
            Read about the misperceptions that Abrahamic faith followers often have about Hinduism.

          • Upon further reflection, you are probably correct that the image chosen is confusing and chosen in haste. I changed it.

            However, you do seem to not be understanding my responses. Hindu idols are not bad because they are “manmade” in the sense you are referencing, but because they break Exodus 20:4, which I already linked above. Idols are things that are worshipped that detract from the true God. Shiva is one such example, as are the market cultists who worship the dollar. Few actually worship the gold piece or the physical manifestation, but what it represents. That is still a problem. Worshipping what it represents. In the case of Hinduism, false gods. That is why they are “manmade”. It is a representation of a demon, which is what is being worshipped.

            I read the article you linked. It is goofy. It definitely did not actually happen in reality; his entire article is clearly a fake conversation. Everything he said is easily rebuked by a Christian that even knows the basics. A missionary would not be stumped by these statements. E.g.:

            When a Hindu worship an image or idol, s/he knows that he is NOT worshipping the idol, but the Divinity manifested in it.”

            That is literally Biblical idol worship.

            But why does God discriminate so blatantly? Is it not wrong?”…“how can you conclude then that I worship a false God?”…“Gandhi was described by some as the Living Christ.”

            A 9-year-old baptist child would be able to answer these questions, yet the writer appears confident that this is some deep thought. I could not help but laugh.

            I have a decent grasp on Hinduism as it is, given my perennialist and Evola days. I have even read and studied the work he mentions, the Bhagvad Gita.

            From this research, I thoroughly enjoyed how he tried to claim our God was violent, but the Hindus weren’t. Maybe he should actually read the Bhagavad Gita. Did he miss the part of the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna? I think I should be his missionary. He will not have as gentle of a conversation. He probably won’t record ours online.

            I’ve also read quite a lot of the Vedas and Upanishads. They are interesting historical and philosophical works, but there is no truth in them. Truth is Christ.

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