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the managerial state

The Managerial State: Everything Is Merged

The managerial state has a revolving door with powerful corporations. They all work for the same boss.

the managerial state

The Merging Of All Institutions

After just posting The Managerial State: The Fourth Branch Of Government yesterday, this news story is just too relevant to ignore.

Welcome to the Managerial State in action:

Biden confirms the head of the Secret Service – who has been in charge since 2019 and served during Trump and the COVID pandemic – is stepping down: Set to be leaving White House for a job at Snapchat

The White House confirmed Thursday that Secret Service Director Jim Murray was retiring, after 27 years at the service  

Murray is heading to the popular app Snapchat, where he’ll be chief security officer


Snapchat’s spokesperson said the company was ‘thrilled’ to add Murray to its ranks on August 1 and that he would report directly to CEO and co-founder Evan Spiegel. 

Political agencies control the politburo who control the other societal institutions. It’s all one big internal bureaucratic nightmare. Everything is merged.

Our “representatives” and executives have small power compared to the administrative state who owns all the government agencies, the levers of political action, and the institutions that they keep jumping too/from.

Given that we reside under an administrative state, the person who protects the president is far more important than the president. And he just jumped to Snapchat. That shows us the clear connection between the state and the institutions.

If you want to see this trend in an even worse light, look up who the previous FDA and CDC heads worked for or now work for. You’ll recognize big names like Pfizer and Monsanto. It’s a revolving door between the administrative state and Big Ag, Big Pharma, and the other Big Institutions. It’s all merged.

The managerial state isn’t even elected. They are permanent bureaucrats in government or industry heads outside of government.

A sane state would never allow this to happen. They would never allow the politburo and institutions to intermingle in such a fashion. Especially how we have it now where completely unaccountable government agencies mix with completely unaccountable billion-dollar industries. It’s insane.

The administrative state operates far and wide. From the government agencies to the cultural institutions like Snapchat. They are all one hivemind now.

This Secret Service head isn’t “retiring”. He’s still working for the feds. He just got a promotion in the administrative state. Now the feds can strengthen their cultural grip even further on the youth (the primary users of Snapchat): A demographic the state really wants more control of.

Awfully convenient.

Read Next:

The Failure Of The Judicial Branch: Oversight In Republics

The Nation-State As A Living Organism

The Fall Of The Georgia Guidestones


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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