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The Loss Of A Nation-State

It is inaccurate to describe the United States of America as a nation-state. It may have been at one time, but it is not now.

the loss of a nation-state header

It is inaccurate to describe the United States of America as a nation-state. It may have been at one time (or it may have been a confederation of nation-states at one time, depending on your view), but it is not now.

Now, it is an empire.

This map is proof of that:

Map of 90%+ white counties using entire US county map.
Map of 90%+ white counties. None in AK, HI, CA, WA, AZ, NV, NM, TX, OK, LA, FL, SC, DE, NJ, CT or MA. Source.

What Is A Nation, Anyway? – What Is A Nation? Wikipedia Accidentally Gets It Right

A nation-state requires a single people to dominant the state either demographically and/or with power. Ideally, both.1

If there is no power in the hands of one nation, and there exists no supermajority demographic, then there definitely is no nation-state.

Instead, we just have a bunch of independent nations vying for power and privilege within a rapidly decaying empire.

Welcome to the anything-but-united States of America.

This map is a horrifying view of the lost ground. We have a lot of reclaiming to do.

God willing, we won’t lose an inch after this is all over.

Read Next: The Nation-State As A Living Organism

  1. The nation is the collective group of culturally homogeneous, similar peoples that share blood and history. The state is the political government and its leaders that house the nation(s). For a “nation-state” to exist, it needs to be the combination of these two, where the former is in charge of the latter. ↩︎

Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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