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Today, we dive into a real throwback. Let's explore a video by Lauren Southern that shows many failures in the old alt-right movement.
Now here is a throwback. Lauren Southern hasn’t been around since the alt-right times.
She was popular somewhere around 2016, if I am not mistaken. The only time I’ve ever written about her was when I wrote on the white genocide happening in South Africa.
She popped back up sometime like a year ago, but I initially didn’t pay any attention. That is, until a reader sent me this video:
(Many thanks to the readers who keep me in the loop. I would miss stuff like this all the time without your updates.)
I always enjoy uncovering more about the supposed “leaders” of “our” movements. Especially influencers circa 2016 in the alt-right that failed so miserably, such as Milo and Spencer.
Their failures can teach us a lot if we allow it.
I know this video is way too long to watch in its entirety if you are unfamiliar/do not care, so just spend 10-20mins skimming these particular sections:
Particularly of importance is the short section at the end (the conclusion piece). She points out the selfishness, the ego, the cult of personality, and the pride of the alt-right (even though she incorrectly calls it the “dissident right”). Things that most of us would be well-aware of by now with most of the personalities that rose and fell in those years.
If you have more time, watch some of the stuff on Milo. Those parts are just as entertaining. She has other parts about Tommy Robinson, PJW, and Faith Goldy as well.
Obviously, two sides to all stories. Don’t trust her blindly like you shouldn’t trust anyone blindly. But she brings up good points: Politics creates some of the worst people. It is wise to be exceedingly cautious of who you listen to and who you support.
I didn’t get around to watching any of this for over six months (it’s been out a while) because of how long the video is. But once I started, I watched the majority of it by skipping around. Was interesting hearing the inside workings of that failed movement.
As I often say, only follow those who strongly resist pride and proudly proclaim Christ. That is the gold standard starting point. But it is also just the initial vetting protocol. Many that even do those two essentials will need to be chopped off later.
If you watch this video, you will instantly understand the recent Steven Crowder versus Ben Shapiro feud over the $50 million contract.
Shapiro is doing similar shady things with legalese contracts not meant to help anyone but himself. He does not differ from these 2016 characters. Shapiro doesn’t care about our people—Just his political image and money, no different from what Lauren exposes in this video through certain individuals like Milo.
What Lauren Southern experienced is also no different from what we experience now through people like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and the rest of them. Pardon the language—But none of them give a rat’s ass about any of us.
Same story, different day.
I have grown to dislike the term “grifter” because it does not fully encapsulate their act. It implies that there is only a money element to it, when that is certainly not the case. They like the limelight. These people are driven by pride; they want to be thought leaders who are looked up too. Money is a factor, but it’s not all of it. It goes so much deeper.
Insider stories like this one are why I continue to hammer into my articles that only Christians can lead a movement like this. Not that Christians are perfect—far from it—But because we need God on our side for this battle. If we ignore him, he will give us over to the pride and ego of degenerate loser reprobates.
Which, coincidentally, is exactly what happened in the alt-right.
God will win this battle, not us. And anyone that does not get that will become a Milo or a Shapiro. And who could imagine a fate worse than that?
Every single new guy that shows up will fall down this same path, especially the secular materialists.
Whatever the secularists invent, even the right-leaning ones, will be just as bad as what we have now.
I also caution following those who are “leaders” that are both not married and childless. They have no incentive but themselves. They can’t/don’t even lead a wife, much less a family, so they probably aren’t the best suited to lead a movement. This particular piece is important, because it is what leads to the crazies trying to sleep with prostitutes or other females in the movement, causing complete breakdowns of a gamma-like posture. Exactly like Southern describes in parts of the video.
We have to be careful with who we trust.
This kind of politics only draws two types of people: those who truly want to help their people by risking it all and those who want to help themselves. There is no middle ground because of the risk involved. Sadly, the latter group is far more dominant on both sides of the aisle.
There are many strong personalities in politics. Some good; most bad. It’s important to find your own personal way to distinguish the two. Hopefully, this video and article helps you in that process.
So long as we continue to allow ourselves to be lead by people with no genuineness, principles, or faith, this is the inevitable end result we will always achieve: A failed movement coupled a lot of disunity and a lot of damage.
To truly “win” in the practical sense (by getting a healthy national soul to return), we must first overcome the world. What we are fighting is truly a spiritual battle.
We cannot win in that sense if we are being lead by those who remain willful slaves to the world.
Especially those who are only interested in their own pride, money, or if Lauren Southern is correct, cocaine and hookers.
Which is not exactly a winning recipe for a traditionalist or nationalist movement.
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