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Breaking down the financial arena centralizer. The isolated class is the most damaging threat to the rule by many form of government.
Helpful articles to read prior to this one if you are new:
The dynamic of the different centralizers in a nation:
Today, we focus on the isolated class (financial) component.
The isolated class is probably the most familiar centralizer in a degenerating democracy, because of the sheer level of power they hold in plain sight. Most politically astute readers know that the politicians themselves are puppets of others that control them through mechanisms like campaign finance and lobbying. These financiers and lobbyists are the isolated class.
But they are not limited to just the funding of the politicians. They are the psychopaths that control major corporations, fund the media, dominate Big Pharma, oversee banks, control Big Tech, and domineer similar wealth functions. They are the CEOs, the fund managers, and the board of directors for corporations.
The power that they hold is real, raw, tangible power. Which is unlike that of their cultural and intellectual arena counterparts. They control tangible levers of society and can wield that power through direct action.
While the different centralizer groups do work together at certain points in the cycle, there is often a noticeable “leading” arena. For example, in a democracy, the ultra-wealthy can often bribe politicians through political lobbying (political arena), propagate their own necessary belief structures through funding studies and research (intellectual arena), and manipulate the culture by purchasing or funding cultural institutions (cultural arena). This is an example of a leading financial arena.
The isolated class is often the leading arena for the rule by many, due to the nature of the rule by many. Within a rule by many, the politicians are (originally) bound by the many, whereas the isolated class is free to do as they please. Politicians can be held accountable, voted out, stuck with term limitations, and face certain oversight precautions. None of this applies to the isolated class. The “free market” gives them a cloak to freely centralize against the people.
Even the other arenas are initially handicapped or divergent in a rule by many. The intellectual and cultural arenas often rely on the finances from the isolated class before they are able to begin their campaigns. It all goes back to this small class of very wealthy, very powerful isolated class centralizers.
The leading arena is responsible for aiding other centralizers within the other arenas and protecting them as they develop. This is the job of the isolated class in a rule by many.
To contrast, in a dictatorship the political arena can choose the business tycoons that become the isolated class through legislation, require certain research parameters from the intellectual arena through agency oversight, and direct the cultural institutions through legal code. In this example of a rule by one, the politburo is the leading centralizer group.
Usually, if there is a leading centralizer, it is from either the political or financial arena. The cultural and intellectual arena centralizers can sometimes help by laying the groundwork, such as in the case of an educational system distorting the education of the youth to allow an isolated class to be acceptable, but they often pass off the leading role to one of the other arenas once the other has an appropriate foundation.
Through this, we can see that all arenas exhibit a lust for power, but they are expressed through different mannerisms. The isolated class does so through systemic financial control. Think of billionaires buying media organizations. Or banks shutting down the accounts of dissidents. All free and legal within a rule by many, because it is not a government entity doing the damage.
The isolated class focuses much more on centralizing wealth to dominate the other functions within a rule by many. This creates power.
In the conquest of their respected arena of centralization, they end up indirectly controlling or fighting for control of the other centralizer arenas. The isolated class, through controlling the wealth in a rule by few oligarchy for instance, will also control some of the political sphere through lobbying and will control some of the intellectual arena through financing their work. But they will not control all of it. This component centralization is usually used in connection with other centralizer groups, rather than against them. It is to the mutual benefit of all centralizers. At least at first.
The centralizers work together in the early stages. The isolated class will support others within the isolated class. One conquered cultural marker will support another battling cultural marker. This is for the mutual benefit of both.
After the centralizer group has majority centralization within their own arena, they will also begin supporting outside arenas. A fully centralized isolated class arena will begin supporting the centralization of the intelligentsia and the cultural markers. They will use their money and connections to buy off politicians. All centralizers benefit from this cooperation.
We can see an easy example of this effect in the documentary Food, Inc. Toward the end of the documentary, they clearly show how Monsanto Corporation dominates the entire chain. Monsanto executives fund both the lobbyists and the enforcers. They convinced the Supreme Court to give them a patent on literal life (seeds). Monsanto has infiltrated every politburo arena—Executive, legislative, and judicial, although they often prefer the legislature.
Many of their own top-level employees became the heads of the regulatory agencies that were meant to oversee themselves. The regulated became the regulator. Once the politicians left office, they went right back to working for Monsanto. But with a lot of nice regulation changes for Monsanto and a fatter wallet book for themselves.
Even without such a direct approach, because of their size and influence, they exert lobbying pressure on the politburo. They have even blocked research that would paint them in a negative light (intellectual arena), and do not allow farmers to speak out publically against them for fear of reprisal (cultural arena). They have even banned filming in their immoral facilities.
This one company that has dominated the seed and farming industry demonstrates in one fell swoop the entire spectrum of the power of the isolated class. Along with their interference in every arena, once they grow powerful enough within their own financial realm to do so. This is why they present such a threat, because of their potential spread.
But this example also shows why it is foolish to only focus on certain centralizers instead of all of them. If you only handicap the government, that power in the politburo will simply shift to another arena. This is why the libertarian dream of a small government and unfettered free market would never work, because the isolated class would be given free rein to do whatever they wish. The isolated class would take over the other two arenas, and using them, would degrade the population to a point that they could re-exert the power of the politburo. This could easily occur through cultural and intellectual arena changes that the population adopts. Shift a narrative here, a cultural heritage there, and you can shift an entire generation to be anti-small government. All it takes then is time.
We saw this exact sequence of events with the American Empire. It is unmistakable.
The politicians in the United States’ half free market, half socialized market already do not have the power to combat this massive centralization arena. To think that reducing their power would cure the problem in any way is absurd. It would reduce the power of one centralization arena, yes, but would allow the proliferation and explosion of the other three. With the most notable being the isolated class. We are too far gone now.
Because the isolated class has the ability to influence all other centralization arenas, just like the politburo, it is equally deadly to a nation. These two arenas make up the biggest threat to sustainment, because centralization in a decentralized environment will naturally lead to the next stage in anacyclosis. Both the isolated class and the politburo have the power to drive this change.
But one thing that the isolated class does not share with the politburo is accountability. In an early stage rule by many, the politicians are at least somewhat accountable to the public. They must be for it to be a rule by many. But under this environment, the isolated class is not accountable. At all.
This is how the politburo can eventually become detached and unaccountable within a rule by many. As we are experiencing firsthand in the U.S. Through slow, gradual centralization changes brought on by the isolated class influencing the population through the other two arenas. Then, the politburo can rise and shift to a rule by few, with their friends in the isolated class.
This is what makes them the most lethal force for a rule by many (such as a republic), because they are equally powerful to the politburo but near completely unaccountable in the manner that the politburo is. While the politburo gains more power as the nation-state continues to degrade, it requires an initial spark from the isolated class to allow them to reach this point.
This is why I believe the isolated class to be the greatest threat to a rule by many. Whereas, the politburo is the greatest threat to a rule by few and rule by one. Because once the situation reaches those later stages of anacyclosis, the power shifts in favor of the politburo over that of the isolated class. But it all starts here in a rule by many with the unaccountable financial arena.
This is also why I can agree with both types of people: Those who believe that the government is the threat and the other team that points out that corrupt oligarchs are the threat.
Both groups are right. The reality is that it just depends on the stage of the cycle of national collapse.
For those under a rule by few or rule by one framework, the risk is the government. This is true. But for those under a rule by many, the real risk is the psychopath with many dollars.
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