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The Interesting Case Of Monkeypox

Some thoughts on monkeypox and what role it may play in the coming year.



Some interesting things are happening with the new monkeypox. It was in the news pretty heavily for a while, and now it’s dropped off from the headlines.

Covid has all but vanished as I predicted for the summer, with even the government removing travel restrictions for its unvaccinated feds and stopping the testing requirements for foreign travel. It still could come back up in the fall, but all indicators seem to point to the fact that covid has been shelved. The ruling class is on to bigger and better things.

Monkeypox, however, came out of nowhere and then was shelved rather rapidly. What happened?

I’m not entirely sure, but the data is odd. If monkeypox was spreading how it normally does, it wouldn’t be showing a similar progression to that of covid on the worldwide stage. The charts, if you review both, look eerily similar. Although monkeypox isn’t generating the numbers that covid did early on. But the rapid doubling of cases is still occurring, even though no one is talking about it and testing is minimal:

This wouldn’t make sense if it was the usual African-variant monkeypox. Something must have changed. It’s a new monkeypox.

Not that I trust the WHO, but they do sometimes like to report their evil plans. They have admitted that “Short-range airborne monkeypox transmission is possible”. What this means is anyone’s guess. Did the virus suddenly find a way to transmit differently out of nowhere? Did it evolve alongside covid? Or perhaps did one of our hundreds of biolabs studying this stuff develop a mutation and release it?

A homosexual-focused test run, perhaps?

The early spread of covid was also this quiet, with most people saying the exact same thing: that it can’t spread that rapidly or through traditional respiratory droplet means. It’s oddly similar to the foundations of covid, pre-March. The only thing we’re missing is the ruling class crying out for us to hug some infected gay Africans for tolerance.

But somewhere along the line it went from about 2-50 gay dudes at a festival being infected to us now hovering around ~1,500 infected including numerous non-gays. Which is odd, unless the rest are still in the closet.

An initial theory was that monkeypox was a vax side effect, but there are individuals who did not receive the vax that have caught this new monkeypox. So it doesn’t appear to discriminate based on pure blood status.

No matter how we look at the new monkeypox—It’s growing steadily in numbers, which doesn’t make sense for a “low transmission” disease that is usually endemic to a certain region.

The death rate is abysmal so far, and the U.S. has stockpiled vaxes (real or fake) for smallpox/monkeypox. So, it doesn’t seem to be a mass casualty possibility. It also isn’t spreading as fast as covid did at the same population numbers, which means it probably isn’t being used for case-generating fear. The government has been mentioning the risk of a “bioterrorist incident”, but they’ve been trying to make us uncertain about what to believe for decades now. Monkeypox could be a distraction. But if it is, it’s not a very good one, considering most people aren’t talking or thinking about it in any serious fashion.

Monkeypox could also be a test-run for a future disease, or just a test-run on homosexuals. I’m not entirely sure.

This development is an interesting one, without a very clear-cut objective behind it like covid had.

I’m not sure what relation Monkeypox has to the overall geopolitical picture, but I can guarantee it is involved somehow. Whether it’s as a test run, a warning to other countries of our capabilities, or something else—I do not know. But it has some level of involvement. It’s far too coincidental otherwise. We don’t just get over a worldwide lab-manufactured pandemic and then get hit with a poxvirus that acts similar to that virus (that is usually regional), and then all of this is a massive coincidence. Something is going on.

But what that something is, is anyone’s guess.

I guess we will have to sit back, grab a drink, and see where the monkeypox takes us.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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