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the intelligentsia

The Intelligentsia: The Intellectual Arena Centralizer

Breaking down the intellectual arena centralizer. Today we look at the submissive and useful idiot centralizer—The Intelligentsia.

the intelligentsia

The Intelligentsia

Helpful articles to read prior to this one if you are new:

The dynamic of the different centralizers in a nation:

  • There are four centralizer groups in any nation: the political arena centralizer (politburo), the financial arena centralizer (isolated class), the cultural arena centralizer (Sensitive cultural markers or “SCMs”), and the intellectual arena centralizer (intelligentsia). These four groups are imperative in understanding the intra-national dynamic of the collapse.

Today, we focus on the intelligentsia (intellectual arena) component.

The isolated class centralizer uses their financial strength by taking over businesses, public square utilities, and related financial assets. Cultural markers centralize using their sensitive cultural position by acting as a filter, shaping cultural narratives, censoring dissidents, and related manipulation functions. The politburo centralizes using authoritarian governmental means by coordinating with the other centralizer groups, passing dangerous legislation that benefits them at the expense of the citizens, stripping power away from the public, and related actions. The intelligentsia are also centralizers, but operate differently.

They operate by being the “brain” behind the other centralizer group’s functions. They take over key positions of intellectual authority to assist in subverting the cultural, political, and financial arenas. This includes fields such as science, medicine, and education. All fields that can alter the perception of truth.

In unison, when these information elements work together, they become the intelligentsia.

The most prominent avenue that they target and gatekeep is education. Mostly because it is natural to them. They have grown into the intelligentsia wing not through hard work, merit, or some other genuine qualifier, but often through educational check boxes and hivemind compliance within their field. Things like signaling the correct cultural item on the test, acquiescing to the “correct” rationalization, or similar, are all required to progress in their fields (careers) within a partially centralized rule by many.

They are the intellectual arena centralizers that usually compromise a small group of teachers, thinkers, academics, certain artists, medical centralizers, scientific centralizers, and distortion philosophers of the society. They are often referenced as the “authority” or “expert” on a subject.

In direct contrast to our preferred population of men of action, these individuals are always men of words. Recognizing this is important for understanding their position within the centralization arena.

The intelligentsia is morally bankrupt. They like to think of themselves as intellectual superiors. They rarely notice the numerous faults in themselves. Often, they act in an arrogant and conceited manner due to their superiority complex. Individuals in this category will rarely think they are, or could ever be, wrong on a subject. Which is ironic, considering their positions are not gained through hard work, intelligence, or merit, but through prostrating to the leading doctrine. Following them will not lead us to betterment, but into an abyss.

These individuals lead entities that produce and indoctrinate key intellectual pieces that permanently change the nation through a distortion of truth and understanding of reality. They will release unreliable studies, they will distort the scientific method to reach a desired conclusion, they will agree with their funders instead of seek the objective truth, they will spit whatever narrative they need to advance their careers, they will blindly trust their hivemind instead of vigorously uncover, and they will then teach these falsehoods through education.

These things do not directly alter the culture, but it does alter the understanding of the world and the information available that then leads the national citizens to be more susceptible to SCM influence.

It is important for our side to recognize that the imparting of knowledge is not necessarily the imparting of accurate knowledge. Knowledge is defined as acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation. But it does not have to be reality’s facts, truths, or principles. It can be the intelligentsia’s facts, truths, or principles. Which often directly conflict with reality.

The intelligentsia is most useful to the centralizers in education, because they are often the gatekeepers to it. Often, their livelihoods revolve around it. These individuals are the ones who will determine who else receives this level of heightened education. They choose who goes to which schools, who passes which classes, what qualifiers are needed to advance to which positions, and who gets suspended for wrong beliefs. Often, they choose the exact education the inductee receives as well. This can be used to roadblock anti-centralizers from acquiring positions of power needing those credentials.

They have limited power in other arenas, but are fully dictatorial within the higher education sphere. The ivory tower is ivory because they say it is so. This natural domination of society’s intellectual dominion is ripe breeding ground for centralization, because it exists by default. By merely existing, they already naturally centralize it.

Ironically, the intellectual centralizers in degenerative societies are often not the most intelligent. They hold key intellectual positions, but there is no vetting process for actual intellect. Rather, they are the most compliant and submissive. They often will do whatever they feel they are required to do to keep their position. They are more likely to agree with the hive mind, take the funding with no questions asked, parrot a narrative, bias a study, and keep their head in the sand when probed. Those that are compliant and submissive are promoted while those with groundbreaking and merit-based work are usually left to flounder.

The intelligentsia are also submissive to the other centralizer groups. They are notorious for being directly funded by the isolated class. With this funding comes the expectation of full compliance. Likewise, they are often parroting the narratives and doing the studies to match the requirements dictated by the cultural markers. The cultural markers first pick the culture and then the intelligentsia fall in line, even if they were at odds with that “science” just yesterday. We can see this effect happen in real time with things like the covid pandemic and the Ukranian crisis.

Even with the politburo, they are usually used as pawns to demonstrate why a political action makes sense, even if it doesn’t. The intelligentsia may have slightly more power than the politburo during the positive stages of governance, but as soon as even the slightest centralization occurs in the state, the politburo trumps them. They are rarely the real influencers, unless it temporarily serves to benefit another centralizer group to make it seem like they are. After which, that person will be expeditiously removed as an “authority” and forgotten about.

Unsurprisingly, they are often the ones tossed aside when a rule by few or a rule by one arrives. They have very little true power, being neither societal agents of action (SCMs, isolated class) nor societal agents of innate power (politburo). They are the societal agents of words. A needed group for centralization, but a weak one when it happens.

Once their use ends, unless they have secured numerous favors, they are normally removed (sometimes physically) to ensure they do not cause problems for the other more powerful centralizers. This was witnessed during many revolutions throughout history (such as the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia or the Soviets in Russia) when the intellectual class that contributed to the revolution were all shot and killed.

Hilariously, Lenin had this to say about the very same intelligentsia that now worships the communists in the modern day:

The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and gaining strength in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its henchmen, the intellectual lackeys of capital, who imagine they are the brains of the nation. Actually, they are not the brains, but sh—

Lenin. Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky. Page 284. Sent in 1915. This letter was sent a couple of years prior to the Bolsheviks seizing power in 1917. Shortly after seizing power, Lenin began shooting the “bourgeois” intelligentsia that did not immediately bow to the communist party. Stalin finished what Lenin started not long after.

Yet, the Marxist-friendly intelligentsia were the ones who contributed to putting him in power. The same occurred with the Khmer Rouge during the Cambodian genocide and countless other anacyclosis transitions.

Yuri Bezmenov, a soviet political subversionist that defected to the West, had similar things to say:

The useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. […] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.

Yuri Bezmenov Interview. “Soviet subversion of the free press: a conversation with Yuri Bezmenov”.

The people Yuri references here include both the useful idiots on the ground within the degenerative mob and also the highest ranks of the intelligentsia. Both are excellent for subversion, proliferation, and control. But both are worthless after an anacyclosis transition occurs.

In many ways, the intelligentsia are the most pathetic of the centralizer groups. They act as the mold-riddled brain and do the bidding of the other groups, only to be tossed aside once their use has expired. Even with this view of them, the risk that they present cannot be understated. They will happily drag us to the grave with them. The lack of foresight and objective stupidity of the “intellectual elite” cannot be used as an excuse to ignore their danger. They are followers, but this does not mean followers are not damaging when we are outnumbered and they hold the keys to positions of power and influence.

This danger inherently rests with education, although it does also creep into science, medicine, and related realms. It must focus on education however, because that is the only truly dominant outlet that the intelligentsia controls. They gatekeep the other intellectual arenas through the use of education. Without the gatekeeper’s keys, they would hold no power over the others. For a person to gain entrance into medicine or science, for instance, requires education first. What are the academics, teachers, and thinkers without their stranglehold on education? Especially if we remove their connection with culture and the isolated class? They are otherwise simply an insular group yelling at one another.

These “authorities” and “experts” are who the grey masses worship. The masses feel as though the intelligentsia are their intellectual superiors, so they must be morally upright and truth-seekers. As most dissidents know, this could not be further from the truth. But their appearance is necessary to generate confidence in the masses with other centralizers, that then can be used against actual truth-seekers.

Their overriding purpose is and always will be to assist the other arenas by providing the hivemind “intellectual” items necessary for them to proliferate. Since this arena is centralized easily and almost organically, it can be the most effective arena to get the centralization started in the others.

The intelligentsia is supported mostly by the isolated class through funding in the beginning stages. However, they are also assisted with funding and “prestige” by the politburo in late stages when the politburo becomes dominate. The cultural arena does not seem to support them much at all, except by providing the cultural expectations that the intelligentsia then needs to fulfill. They are mostly connected with the isolated class in the rule by many, and the politburo in the rule by few or rule by one.

They perform the same function under any framework. They rarely change like the other centralizers. The intelligentsia are always the lapdogs of the others, regardless of the framework. But they are unique because of their natural centralization, their submissive posture, and their ability to convert the grey masses into whatever “reality” they dream up.

As mentioned in the politburo article, the politburo is the only necessary centralizer for a state. Which means the intelligentsia must follow a similar path to the other three if we are to make an accountable state. Which is either full removal or full subjugation.

The intelligentsia is a unique problem. Given their submissive nature, most nationalists overlook their influence. But I feel as though this is a massive oversight. Just because they are more followers does not mean that they are not a threat. Their influence can be the start of the other three in an otherwise accountable, decentralized nation-state, because this arena is the only one which is naturally already somewhat centralized.

As always, we need to focus on all four arenas if we are to stop the cycle. Which means we can’t overlook the useful idiot hivemind.

Read Next:

The Isolated Class: The Financial Arena Centralizer

The Endgame Is Approaching

The Caveman Philosophy


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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