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Our exchequer graciously allows us to have the perception of earned money even though that money will never be useable in a practical sense.
It is truly mind-boggling to realize how captive we have all become through the nefarious expansion of taxes.
It is something that the (vehemently hated) tax collectors of old could never have even dreamed of.
I stumbled upon this image that captures the root essence of the insatiable nature of the exchequer:
While this subtle meme uses the British Pound, it gets the point across even for us Americans. Same thing, different side of the ocean.
The treasury graciously allows us to have the perception of “earned money” even though the vast majority of that money will never be earned (in a practical sense) by a person, but the state.
This is also why inflation does not matter to the ruling class. If this is how they treat us based on taxes, what does it matter if they inflate the money to oblivion (an indirect form of taxation)? Same concept, different delivery.
Money was never the end goal of the rulers, it was always power. Money is just a method by which they can exert actual power. It is not power in itself. The power is in those who decide three things: the money supply, who can use the money and when, and the taxes. The power is not the actual money itself.
If money ever actually became a threat to the rulers, they’d just make it worthless, as they are now. Then they’d transition to something else to start over, like a CBDC, like they (also) are now. But money probably could never even be a threat given our current system, because the managerial state can determine who actually gets or holds on to their wealth in the first place.
This is also why it is wise to mistrust those with exceptional levels of wealth. They were allowed to skirt the system for some reason. You could never naturally get to that point, but the system permitted them to do so. There is always a reason for that generosity; a payment that will come due at some point. They are wolves in ‘just an eccentric hardworking-genius’ clothing.
Regardless, almost all of our money goes to inflation or taxes, and that is true no matter how you calculate the numbers. You don’t earn a fraction of what you “earn”.
The unbacked and centralized fiat system is broken.
And at this point, it cannot be fixed. It’s time to move to something else.
Read Next: How Money Laundering Works
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Got some coinage from the New Orleans mint, trade it for dry powder. You may value that eventually.
Dry powder would be a fine addition to a tangible preparation portfolio.