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The Idol of Ideology: identity header

The Idol Of Ideology

The Age Of Ideology has lead us directly into open idolatry, on all sides of the political spectrum(s).
The Idol of Ideology: identity header

With the onset of the first world war, the entirety of mankind was forcibly thrust into the Age of Ideology. We’ve been stuck in this ideological trance since.

Ideologies about political and economic systems exploded everywhere. All with improper focuses. Fascism exalted the state above all, communism bowed underneath the party, American “democracy” or “republicanism” (whichever lie you would like to pretend that our system is) worshipped the individual. All degenerations stemming from some goofy modernist ideology.

Ideological groups fared no better. Leftists worship the subjective and everchanging morality of the world. Environmentalists venerate the planet (creation over the creator). Libertarians idolize to the market and money. Judeo-Christians glorify the ethnic Khazarians. Conservatives revere the man-made “republican” institutions, even if those institutions have literal Satanic altars placed inside of them. 

It’s all ideology, all the time.

Ideology is placed above the people themselves, often to their very detriment. But even then, the ideologues will hold on to their golden calf.

Our entire people could be wiped out, but if it increased the GDP, some capitalist would still argue in favor of it.

Lest you think I am being dramatic, we literally have libertarians right now arguing in favor of open borders and increased legal immigration, even while we’re being invaded by millions of fighting-age males (The story of the Roman Empire and the refugee barbarians would like to share a history lesson with them, but they wouldn’t get it). At this rate of immigration, we are literally going to be wiped out in demographic terms.

Really, the only sane people left in this world are those who return to the sanity of tradition. The tradition of all living people pre-the 17th century Enlightenment: those ancestors of ours that realized that ideology is boneheaded, and the true driver of our kind is identity.

Put simply, nationalism. Nations. Our people. Kin.

Our human nature does not care about an economic system or a political one. Neither of those will ever supersede identity. It’s in the blood.

Even the left-right paradigm is ideological in nature, which is why it doesn’t matter and is usually worthless in helping someone uncover an ally or a foe. Even it has been co-opted.

The mark of a man that is cognizant of the world is whether they are an identitarian or an ideologue. Sadly, the vast majority of people are trapped in the ideology lie. Dissidents shouldn’t be. But even many of our own still are.

But one group that is under no such illusion is the elites.

It is obvious that the people pulling the strings at the top are identitarians. They are in the elite group and they know it. They fight for their own interests. These elites use ideologies to placate the masses and keep us fighting each another over some preferred economic or political system, but they themselves are certainly identitarians. They couldn’t care less what system is being used. The world’s elites use communism in China, corporatocracy in Africa, and democracy in the West all the same. Because they care about their group over any ideology. This is the correct mindset, but used in a malevolent manner.

This is the mindset we must return to.

Before modernity, God was the primary focus in the West. Man placed spiritual needs first. This primacy demanded that identity was always above ideology (Christian > Anything else; National neighbors > Anyone else; Scripture > Any secular source). An identity as a Christian superseded all else, no questions asked.

Sadly, this has been slowly chipped away since the Enlightenment began. Now, most ideologues force Christianity and Scripture to fit their preferred economic or political system (material -> spiritual), instead of the proper pathway (spiritual -> material).

Likewise, the ideologues place their preferred systems and faith in separate buckets, even though they were never meant to be separate. “Separation of church and state” is in itself an ideology, and a clear ideology of the Enlightenment at that. But it is a lie. The faith is an identity, it cannot be separated from a lower-form ideology. The ideology must conform to the dominant identity or you are in error.

For instance, you cannot claim to be a Christian and a liberal. These two categorizes are at odds; they cannot actually be separated into two distinct belief systems that can be held simultaneously. An identitarian understands this. In the same manner, you cannot claim to follow Christian Morality, while simultaneously claiming to follow libertarian morality (the “live and let live” lie). They severely contradict, which is obvious if you even just skim the Bible.

Regretably, under the modern world, the identity of Christian often takes a backseat to some ideology. This is wrong.

We’ve even reached a point where our national identity (race) also takes a backseat to ideology—Which is just as wrong. We place the two most important things God has given us, Christianity and our own people, and place them underneath some stupid manmade idea. It’s completely insane.

The Age of Ideology truly knocked down the original, better statue of Identity.

Now, it’s nigh impossible to even discuss these topics without appealing to an ideological lens. It sucks.

Dissidents are attempting to return us to sanity with a focus on identity, but it’s the toughest uphill battle one can face, considering that ideology is shoved down everyone’s throats constantly in our current upside-down world.

One cannot argue with the ideologues (Satan’s pawns) success, they did manage to tear down Christendom. But with it, they lead us to this horrific age of tranny two-year-olds, a country that resembles a giant soulless shopping mall, and elite pedophiles running the globe. Great work, jackasses.

What the ideologues thought would be the perfect utopian dream quickly became a nightmare—Something a rudimentary Christian that has just skimmed the Bible for the first time could have told you would happen. But hey, no one ever claimed that ideologues were very smart.

The ideologues tore down Chesterton’s Fence without asking why it was ever put up. Which is why a million devils could now freely walk right across into our own backyard. Because of that, we, as their children, bear the consequences.

But this provides us with a clear mission field. You want to revert the horrors of the last few centuries? Then start by returning to the true heritage of our people: Identity Above Ideology.

Read Next: Edward Gibbon: On The Seven Key Indicators Of Civilizational Decline


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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