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Can you believe the hypocrisy of the mainstream media? At least they don't even try to pretend to be about real journalism anymore.
Julia Musto recently published an article describing the hypocrisy of the mainstream media in regards to The China Cold:
The mainstream media’s coverage of Black Lives Matter protests versus President Trump’s upcoming rallies during the COVID-19 pandemic exposes their underlying hypocrisy, The Hill’s Joe Concha stated Tuesday.
One of many nationwide, the Black Trans Lives Matter rally in Brooklyn drew a tightly packed crowd of 15,000 on Sunday.
As Concha noted to Schitt and Mele, there was no room for social distancing.
“And yet, we saw a media that just was so in awe of this massive rally because apparently, Rob, the cause is bigger than the virus. When we were told for many months…that the virus and health concerns were the only [things],” he remarked.
Concha added that while many members of the media would mask-shame and COVID-shame people who wanted to go to the beach or a park after states opened, no one was shaming these protesters about the possibility of super-spreading. Especially as cases in states with loosened restrictions are trending upward.
“Or, even in Brooklyn. The same Brooklyn — you can’t bring your kid to a playground. Playgrounds are literally chain-linked shut because a couple of kids playing outside?” he questioned. “That’s bad. [Protests are] good because the cause is bigger than the virus…”
I do agree with one point the leftists make, however. The point that the “protests” (riots) are bigger than the virus. Because the virus is a big nothingburger.
It’s fine to burn down your city but God forbid you forget to wear a mask in your store.
This entire spectacle reminds me of an image I’ve been wanting to share for awhile.
Here, I present to you, The Hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media in One Image:
Spot the narrative.
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