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The Hunter Biden Laptop Conspiracy

Do you recall the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy? The one that over 50 intel officers claimed was Russian disinfo? It was just verified.

Hunter Biden Laptop Conspiracy

Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Do you recall the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy? The one that over 50 “intelligence officers” claimed was most likely Russian disinfo? That all the mainstream media discredited and said was fake? That I reported on back during the election cycle?

Well, turns out it was legitimate. Another conspiracy turned spoiler alert.

And there is a lot more on the laptop than we have seen so far.

The situation was so damning for the laptop whistleblower that he had to flee to Switzerland:

EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower who handed Hunter’s abandoned laptop to congressmen and DailyMail.com reveals he has 450 gigabytes of DELETED material including 80,000 images and videos – and has fled to Switzerland fearing retaliation from White House

Whistleblower Jack Maxey gave DailyMail.com a copy of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s  abandoned laptop in the spring of 2021

DailyMail.com has published dozens of stories exposing Hunter’s drug use, sex obsession and questionable business dealings 

For the past two weeks, Maxey has been in hiding in Zurich, Switzerland, working with IT experts to dig out more data from the ‘laptop from hell’ 

He says he intends to post them all online in a database in the coming weeks 

Maxey says he has found ‘450 gigabytes of erased material’ including 80,000 images and videos and more than 120,000 archived emails 

The former podcast host says he fears retaliation from the Biden administration 

He says that after contacting DailyMail.com about the laptop last year, black suburban SUVs appeared outside his house

You know when black SUVs show up outside of your house that it’s not a conspiracy. That’s the feds.

We can deduce a few useful tidbits of information from this ordeal:

  • The Biden family is a crime family.
  • The intelligence agencies and their figureheads work for the GAE, not the American People. They lied about “Russian disinfo”.
  • The intel community and the mainstream media community are cooperative. They are, in many ways, the same thing.
  • If you expose the GAE, be prepared to either 1) die or 2) flee the country.
  • A shift has occurred where the media and intel community do not care if Biden goes down. Their own institutions have verified the accuracy of the laptop (New York Times). They did not have to do this. They already got away with ignoring it for years. This means they want it to be exposed, for whatever purpose.

Most of these are pretty run-of-the-mill common sense to most dissidents at this point, but it never hurts to have added data points to validate your assumptions. The most interesting one appears to be the shift. It seems to indicate that the real rulers have run out of use for the Biden family. They are now ready to remove them. Or, at the very least, fully subjugate them through blackmail.

This is also further evidence that the politburo and cultural markers are converging. The politburo intel arm and the media have become united against the people. This means the government and institutions are uniting against us. They still aren’t fully centralized in every arena, but they are getting close. Covid, Biden, and recent Russian events have propelled this trend faster than I would have initially assumed if you had asked me three years ago.

This flip-flop is very interesting. What the media called a conspiracy theory just months ago, they are now validating as fact. This does not look promising to the dementia patient. Neither does his recent event in the White House, where he was wandering around alone while everyone fawned over Obama.

If you need any further information to prove that Biden is a figurehead of a much larger beast at this point, then you are officially a mental case. I recommend a healthy dose of testosterone. I hear it can cure leftism.

Read Next:

Nowhere Left To Run

Elon Musk and Twitter: Not A Dissident Ideal

Worthwhile Reading: The American Pravda Series


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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