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The Horseshoe Theory: Put In Practice

Considering a geopolitical horseshoe theory.
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A Geopolitical Horseshoe Theory

I have never liked The Horseshoe Theory.

It’s too oversimplified:

traditional horseshoe theory image
Traditional Horseshoe Theory: The far-left and the far-right are closer to each other than either is to the political center.

The theory always reminded me of the very similar limitations with the terms “Right” and “Left” in general. There is not even a consensus regarding those definitions.

The two terms are decent categories. We know, in general, what they point toward. You hear the terms and you at least recognize that a person on the Right is normal and a person on the left is a nutjob. It does not really tell us much about their actual politics or the reasoning for those politics. But at least we get those basics.

The same goes for the horseshoe theory. Maybe we can uncover some generalizations, but that’s about it.

I never believed the traditional version that the two extremes were closer in ideology than the center. But I did believe two alternative versions: The “political understanding” horseshoe theory and the “health” horseshoe theory.

I used to think that those in the far-left and the far-right both generally “got it”; they knew what was truly going on. The leftists were just deranged or wicked. Whereas the more toward the center someone lies, the more of a normie they are.

But I’ve since changed that belief. I really do think that the vast majority of the far-left are completely brainwashed. They don’t have any idea what they are fighting for, even those that are the most involved. I think they are literally blinded or controlled by some other entity, like a robot of a demon. So, I’ve given up on that horseshoe holdout.

The horseshoe theory also used to apply to health, which I had noticed many times:

Horseshoe theory regarding health and nutrition

But even that theory has since been destroyed by the covid debacle. Both the far-leftists and the moderates all clamored for the covid vax Big Pharma daddy shot.

Which means that even this horseshoe argument does not work anymore, as it is clear that the far-right is in a section of its own. We correctly answered the genuine test of health during the covid fiasco; they did not.

Plus, more and more leftists seem to be giving up the crunchy stuff. Won’t be long and they’ll be the vast minority, even on the far-left.

So, I had abandoned the entire horseshoe theory.

Even my last health holdout version had fallen.

At least, that’s what I thought.

Until I stumbled upon our meme for this Meme Monday:

the actual horseshoe theory meme

It’s a geopolitical horseshoe theory that just makes sense, you know?

Get mad at me all you want. You have to admit, it’s not wrong: The Israeli-Palestinian War: National Sentiments.

Now my dead horseshoe theory belief is revived from the dead. Whoever originally memed this has damaged me personally. I thought I could finally throw off those shackles. But it seems like I am still stuck with the horseshoe again… for now.

Happy Meme Monday. Have a great week.

Read Next: The Weirdest Thing About American Culture


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1385

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