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condition of united states elections

The Hilarious Condition Of Our Elections

Believing in the United States election system and our "safe and secure" elections should be classified as a religious cult.

condition of united states elections

How Are Our Elections Working Out?

Believing in the United States election system should be classified as a religious cult, because it takes absolute faith intermixed with unquestioning loyalty in the face of overwhelming evidence that contradicts the faith.

The further we go, the more information comes to light. At the same time, the further we go, the more information is shoved off as coincidental. But you can only have so many coincidences before a functioning human questions the constant trend.

We have actual, live video of people wearing gloves while taking stacks of ballots up to ballot drop boxes and then taking a picture of the stack of ballots before dumping them in. This exact trend occurred across all battleground states in democrat counties. We have videos of many people doing this.

We have data that shows that thousands of people did this process to hundreds of drop boxes, sometimes dozens in the same day.

We have evidence of dead people voting in so many elections that we have heritage jokes about ‘not letting a person vote democrat after they die’. These jokes have been around since I was a kid.

We have examples of people voting using addresses that don’t actually exist. At all. Many audit canvas groups have found addresses that are vacant lots, empty woods, and abandoned buildings that have dozens of registrations tied to them.

We have evidence of an individual being arrested with over 300 unopened ballots (for California’s recall election).

We have video of ballot counters putting up walls and signs to stop observers from watching them count ballots the night of the election.

We have videos of trucks arriving in the middle of the night on election night to drop off ballots.

We have convictions against democrats that bribed election judges to illegally add votes for certain individuals, including candidates for federal and state offices.

We, the people who vote, can’t get access to the voting records to verify that they are accurate. It would “create distrust” if we could review our own documents. This happens even in “republican” states.

We have numerous confirmed felony convictions against political zealots committing felony ballot harvesting.

We have one of our most important elections in the country every four years, and coincidentally we just stop counting the ballots in the middle of the night on that night. Luckily, right after most people started waking up, the middle-of-the-night results flipped the key states.

We have “adjudicators” that decide who the questionable ballots meant to vote for but have no public data or audit analysis of these adjudications or the individuals that got selected as adjudicators.

We also have the absolute hilariousness that we elect the top-leader of this country by dropping a piece of paper into a mailbox, and hoping that it gets there, gets counted, and nothing odd happens. I wouldn’t even send $5 worth of cash in the mail because it can’t be trusted, but apparently my vote is entrusted to drop boxes and the mailman. That demonstrates its worth.

The most comedic part is that this list is barely the tip of the iceberg. I wrote it in one sitting without even diving into the topic as I have in the past. I’m sure my readers could think of another twenty examples just off the top of their head.

I have enough articles on this topic to last for days:

All of those are just my own articles on the subject. The list just keeps growing.

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely do not want a Trump presidency. I couldn’t care less that he failed. He wouldn’t have done anything for us, anyway. It’s the reality that our elections are this hilariously bad that I’m trying to get across. And the fact that the centralizers are so brazen with the theft, because they know the American people are too pacified to do anything about it.

Our elections are as reliable as elections in Afghanistan. Honestly, the people there probably at least use paper ballots like all of Europe. A step above us.

You have to at least enjoy the hilarious insanity of it all. If you don’t, you’ll go insane with them.

“Vote early and vote often.” Indeed. The clowns took that saying to heart.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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