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The Hidden Dominion has been going strong for 2 years now. Big thanks to everyone that comes to read my articles.
I started this website in November 2016. It’s now November 2018. Which means one thing: It is HD’s 2 Year Anniversary.
The Hidden Dominion started as a little side project to write about random things I found interesting. Now, it’s a self-sustaining website that makes enough revenue to pay the bills to keep it up and running without me having to dip into the savings.
If anyone would have told me I’d still be going on with this 2 years later or that it would become self-sustaining, I would have probably laughed in their face. But here I am. And I have no plans to stop, for any reason looking forward. This has become a staple in my life and I aim to keep it that way.
This is my corner of the internet that I’ll always be thankful for. I’ve had tremendous life changes these past two years, and having a steady obligation to post on here has kept me on track. I’ll forever be thankful for that.
For the entire first year, I would have been lucky to get 25-50 views a day. Now, I’m averaging around 400 views a day. When I hit my first “high traffic” day at 1000 views early on, I nearly fainted, and wondered what happened. Now, it’s just a normal day. It is insane to realize so many actual people visit my website on a daily basis.
You guys are exceptional. Even the ones I argue with in the comments. It’s a pleasure yelling at you and getting complained at back. Or to my like-minded compatriots: to agree and continue the conversation deeper.
In short, I’m glad to have everyone’s opinion around here for me to think about and occasionally learn from… or completely bastardize.
We have 225 articles on a mass assortment of topics (After this one, 226). A fully functional newsletter. And a ton of social media accounts.
And I’m damn happy with it.
To celebrate the two-year anniversary milestone, I’ve made a few big changes to the website.
These changes include:
Again, big thanks to everyone that has helped support HD or has stuck around and read my writings. Even the losers that whine about every article. Love you all.
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Congrats! Great website and you deserve every ounce of success!
Thanks Alex!
Congrats buddy
Thank you!