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A frightening intellectual journey: Coming to terms with the grey masses.
Since I just moved across the country, I have been unable to do my usual longer-form articles. My apologies for this. They will be returning soon.
In the meantime, I found a strikingly realistic conclusion from someone that has clearly dealt with the grey masses as long and as unsuccessfully as I have. It’s poetry, really:
You start out thinking you can just explain some facts they might not have heard.
Then you’re sure you can convince them with a source they won’t reject.
Then you figure you can convince them with reason and logic.
Then you are confident the very outcomes unfolding before their eyes will make it clear.
Then you wonder when they’ll come around on their own.
Then you decide to just drop politics as a discussion topic.
Then you realize unreality permeates their whole world in ways that can’t be easily ignored.
Then you find they increasingly push their own ignorant TV-repeating slogans and false reality into your world and get offended if you won’t play along.
Then you discover that even the things they once agreed with you about, or that you irrefutably proved to them, are as slippery and reversible as the latest social media ‘newsfeed’.
Then you uncover that they will say or believe anything that lets them achieve a congruent emotional state mirroring the electronically mediated virtue signals, slogans, and fake news celebrity attitudes they are exposed to on their devices.
Then you feel the wicked influence of their mindlessness seeping degeneracy into every aspect of their lives.
Then you find out that a deep well of hysteria, fear, bigotry, and hatred lie shallow under the cover of political correctness, buzzwords, and self-righteous attitude.
Then you observe that they won’t actually protect you or support you in real-world instances where you are confronted by decisions that put you in opposition to the signal.
Then it dawns on you that they are more likely to be “Good Germans” than they are to show you personal loyalty.
Then you grasp that they line up with your enemies on every issue.
Then you see proof that they have dehumanized and outgrouped you, and even endorsed justifications for imprisoning you, stripping away your possessions, and even interning you indefinitely.
Then you become worried that they are sharing knowledge and data about you with others who are even more dangerous and threatening to your safety.
Then you are confronted with the fact that they have betrayed you completely, and as they move toward you with the mob, you wonder if you can hesitate any longer.
The people you once thought you knew are gone, and the signal zombies inhabiting their empty-headed shells are not your friends
Ignoring the ever-present Reichstag-related analogy, it’s a great discussion piece about the reality of the grey masses.
Their allegiance is to themselves, their warped sense of reality, their falsely perceived virtue, and their ability to just float to the end of their life without conflict. I call them the grey mass for a reason. They move in unison, unthinking, unflinching, unable to be altered or changed. If the leader and nation is virtuous, the grey masses will blindly follow along. Not the receivers of the fruits of the virtue, due to their affliction, but as blank sheep following the tide. However, when the leader and nation is not virtuous… well, look around. See for yourself. You don’t need me to remind you.
In a recent article on moral courage, I responded to a commenter that asked how to convince people to be morally courageous, considering the reward is worth the risk. In my response, I provided some thoughts on the subject and pretty plainly stated that we need to focus on those that have seeds that can be nurtured. The grey masses would not be those who could bear positive fruit. They may hear, but they have no root from which to sustain. They are on the wayside, rocky ground, or contained within thorns, if you need the full description to get where I am going with this. In short, they aren’t able to reach good soil or they wouldn’t be a part of the grey masses in the first place. Therefore, trying to “convince them”, as the start of this story describes, is fruitless and yields nothing but heartache.
In contrast, you should be careful with these individuals. In times of future struggle, it is best to keep them at distance. They will not hesitate to turn on you if it means they can have even one second of perceived fake virtue or the ability to remain in their glass house for even a single extra hour. Your logic, data, or rational discourse will not change this. Do not exhaust your effort on the grey masses. Spend it on those who can bear good fruit and yield a 100x return. They are the only way out of this.
Keep this in mind.
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Excellent article! You took my thoughts and put them into words. I personally would not commit a violet act towards another person but I am perfectly okay with “The gray masses” being rounded up and sent to a gas chamber. (pretty much what this Covid BS is all about) My idea for our race is to embrace one another and move intelligently into the future, as one race. No human exploited or left behind. The gray masses are totally removed from what it means to be human, and their Puppet Masters are psychopaths. I will not bow down to insanity.