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Some of them, at least.
Some of the grey masses, at least.
I recently chatted with an old boomer friend I know through family acquaintance over the New Year. He was a very die-hard “America freest country on earth” guy for the longest time. But I could see an all too familiar change in his eyes now. He’s seen that old Spirit of Truth. He’s awake.
Which I can’t help but feel sad about in some respects. It’s not great understanding what’s happening. The blissful ignorance was like a safety blanket and pacifier.
I spoke with him about our usual things, mostly politics, because he feels as though he can confine with me. And wow, how those prior positions had shifted. Shifted real hard.
I’m noticing a similar trend even with the mainstream guys, such as Rand Paul:
Senator Rand Paul QUITS YouTube, Moves Permanently To Rumble
“About half of the public leans right. If we all took our messaging to outlets of free exchange, we could cripple Big Tech in a heartbeat,” Paul announced in an op ed.
“So, today I take my first step toward denying my content to Big Tech. Hopefully, other liberty lovers will follow,” the Senator added.
He continued, “As a libertarian leaning Senator, I think private companies have the right to ban me if they want to, however, those of us who believe that truth comes from disputation and that the marketplace of ideas is a prerequisite for innovation should shun the close-minded censors and take our ideas elsewhere, which is exactly what I’m doing.”
Paul called his “dysfunctional” interaction with Google a “toxic relationship” where his every word is scrutinised by politicised “fact checkers.”
“Sure, I can get millions of views. But why should I allow anonymous ‘fact-checkers’ to censor my fully sourced, fact-based content?” Paul asked, adding “They don’t want to challenge or debate me with opposing views, they just want my silence.”
The Senator described the unholy partnership of corporate media and big tech as a “Medieval church” decreeing that opinions deviating from the established narrative are too “dangerous” for people to be subjected to.
Some of them are finally starting to “get it”. Negating the lame libertarian “I think it’s fine and dandy when international globalist private corporations silence everyone” in the third paragraph there, he’s on a healthier track.
They’re finally taking action by doing what we’ve been yelling at them to do for the past 5 years. Most of us here on the Right have been decoupling from the mainstream for a while. Sometimes, painfully. For instance, when I quit Amazon, I lost practically all of my revenue from this site, which was much higher than I think many of my readers would guess. But I still did it, nonetheless. And have suffered those consequences since, but have at least retained my integrity. These small, painful steps are necessary. No matter the consequence.
It’s nice to finally see some of the Grey Masses awaken to the reality surrounding them. I’m glad they are finally catching up with the rest of us. I’m talking about the “muh freedom” boomers, the Gen Xers in hiding, the zombified millennials, and even the younger generations. All seem to have higher rates of people migrating, building parallel, or at least limiting usage of the harmful mainstream.
But one can’t help but feel a little jaded, regardless. We’ve been out here getting censored, losing our incomes, and yelling about the impending doom for many years now. Now, some other people are finally getting censored and acting like it’s the first time in American history this has ever happened.
The amount of whiners about certain people getting banned has been exponential. Welcome to our reality for all of Trump’s presidency. Oh dear, how could getting banned on Twitter or Facebook happen? Isn’t this a free country?
Well, it’s been happening for a lot longer than most realize. Hell, most of our best got banned around 2016, which doesn’t even consider the pre-2016 banning and doxxing events. I think back to the Political Cesspool and similar sites and can’t even recall when they got the boot. We’ve been here for a long time. Now, it’s just that even the “normies” are facing it. So, suddenly it’s a big deal.
But they can’t say we didn’t warn them. They just called everyone to their right “nazis” and pretended it would never happen to them. The inevitable result we warned about is coming to fruition. Many of them still reside in the abyss thinking this is a new event, unaware that this has been happening for a long time now. The build up was put in place by testing the waters with us. You didn’t fight for us, so now you’ll drown with us.
So, for those of us that were banned long before, it’s alright to be a little jaded about it. But don’t let that edge of yours drive the newcomers off. Be kind. Support them. I know it can be challenging because they didn’t stand with you, but we have to overcome and be the stronger ones, as an example to all.
Continue to educate them about how they aren’t the first, and won’t be the last, to be targeted. Teach them that it’s been happening for a long time. Our enemies will come for the centrists next. They need to come to terms with it, and people like us that have been stuck in the hole we now share together are the only ones that can help them do it.
We have to support our own. It’s not their fault they have been blinded. We can only be thankful that they aren’t anymore and continue to push them in the right directions. Talking down or being hostile toward them is not the right approach. We were all stuck in that whirlwind once. Some of us just broke out earlier. But we’re all victims in this show. If we don’t work together, we’ll all sink alone.
Celebrate that the Spirit of Truth is reaching out to more people. But feel proud that you have been graced with it for longer. If anything, that will be an advantage to you as the situation deteriorates.
At the end of this, we’ll need every one of them we can get. Don’t let the jadedness put them back to sleep. Use your gift and experience to develop them further.
But with that said, don’t hesitate to deliver a friendly jab or two.
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Remember: The Official Fact Checks Are Opinions
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