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NPCs. Normies. The grey masses. They go by many names. Can they be saved? Perhaps a better question would be—Can we be saved from them?
Perhaps it is time for more of us to admit that this problem can’t be solved.
The grey masses are simply empty voids waiting to be filled. A majority of them just exist, regardless of the surrounding conditions. They can’t be shaken from their slumber. They don’t want to know. The masses are like knowledge reprobates—They have rejected the truth for so long, that they have now been permanently denied it.
The majority of the American population has existed in a trancelike state for the past seventy years, if not longer. They haven’t woken up from the financial thievery of 2008, the Demographic Suicide Act of 1965, the child sacrifice ruling of 1973, the Big Pharma takeover of 2021, the covid hysteria of 2020… the list is rather endless.
They are grey, blank slates. Waiting to take on the color banner of their shepherds. Their tyrants told them to put on a mask. They did so with glee. Then another two. Then to take an experimental vax. Then another two. Then to raise the Ukraine flag. Now, it’s LGBT month, so they’re on to the sexual deviant flag for a stint. They do them all, without hesitation or question.
The masses are being directed by the colorful people.
A few select colorful people seem to notice that this massive grey group can be lead in any direction with ease so long as one has institutional control. They know the grey masses will respond to them culturally, so long as they control what is consumed and when. As long as the situation is not too bad, they will remain asleep and muzzled.
There is a reason we exhibited a shift from a production-based society to a consumer one, and that reason is that a producer mindset is hostile to a cow-like grey masses mindset. But even in a producer society, you’ll still have the grey masses. They will just be far more difficult to culturally influence compared to a consumption-based society. Cows are more prone to consume than produce. The masses want to have their things, live their life, and not experience the slightest contention. This, of course, means their children will face far worse nightmares than their parents could ever imagine. But they don’t think about these things, because they strive to avoid those harmful thoughts.
Many of the leftist colorful people don’t seem to care who is actually in charge, so long as they are of similar ideology to them. This may be why we see such cooperation amongst centralizers, and why they have been so flagrant of their schemes as of late. They don’t care that we, the non-leftist colorful people, can see what they are doing. Because they know we can’t convince the grey masses without the institutional control that they hold. I believe they make things so obvious to specifically piss us off, because the grey masses won’t be budged by it.
We have literal video of ballot-box stuffing, proving electoral fraud, and many still won’t wake up. The colorful leftists are flagrant in their schemes, not because they make mistakes, but because they know nothing will change the grey masses—So why bother hiding it? They can both get away with it and provoke us at the same time.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to fix the grey masses. If they can’t see by now, they never will. The old saying of “1/3 know, 1/3 can know if taught, and 1/3 will never know” holds true here. Honestly, given our situation, I feel it may be too generous with the ‘2/3 in a potential know’ camp. I’d place it more 30/70 (with 70% in the can never know camp, maybe a 15/15 split for the know/can know groups).
I’ve said it before: Someone must control the grey masses. They can’t receive the Spirit of Truth. But we can’t control them without the institutional controls necessary. Only the leftists can. We’re stuck because of it.
It’s also why we have to have something parallel. It’d be the only way to win this, and even if we can’t win, it’s the only way to survive if it crashes. We need our own non-grey dissidents to build something that can resist the leftist colors. The revolution is not won by a majority of the grey, it’s won by a minority of dedicated activists. “The people” rarely do much. It’s more the dedicated few colors that get institutional control that then do it all, in both political directions.
Stop wasting your time trying to save the many when we need to be organizing the few. There are many of us who can see, but we’re disparate, broken, and separated. We need to be called together. We don’t need more of the masses in our ranks.
It is these few select individuals who will lead us to victory. Or they will at least make for some good drinking and raiding partners for when it all falls.
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The Grey Masses: It Starts Off Noble And Innocent
Robert Dabney: Not Much Has Changed
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