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Explaining who the grey masses and the useful idiots are. How the two are related and all about their differences. Can any be saved?
I recently received a reader comment questioning what I meant by “grey masses” and if there was a difference between them and the useful idiots. I did a quick scan of the archive and realized that I never fully defined the two terms and explained the differences between what I mean by both. So, I figured an article with some ramblings about the two was due. This is that article.
Starting with the grey masses.
The grey masses are the average individuals of any nation. They are “normal”.
They are usually apolitical or flowingly political; often uninformed out of personal negligence instead of a lack of informational resource access.
They are a compliant and yielding type of people. They just want to live their life under the radar, without causing contention or instigating confrontation.
Whatever the dominant culture is they will happily follow.
Only a minuscule, select minority on the ends of the political spectrum are truly inflexible in their beliefs and actions. These few colorful people are scattered amongst (outside) the grey masses, continually fighting for control over them. The colorful people hold all different kinds of colors and allegiances. They are the movers of the world, the ones that will direct and change everything around you. The grey masses do little to aid or harm the colorful people, preferring to merely shuffle around to wherever is a generic continuation of their current conditioning.
One of the colorful minority factions will eventually take over the opposing colorful sides, and in doing so, captures the grey masses. Gradually forcing them into compliance.
The masses, because of their flexibility, change in accordance with the demands of their surroundings. Even if it is to their long-term loss, so long as they see short-term escape.
Conquering the grey masses is the underlying goal of the criminal elements. Because with its conquest comes the ability to change what is “normal”.
No one wants to live in a degenerative society. Very few actually support the degenerates. But the mob uses its unique strengths to stop anyone from fighting back against it. Even if the majority desire to fight back against them, they will be silenced, made apathetic, and engulfed in a fog of fear by the minority criminal elements. This is how mobs win. This is how centralizers win.
Wherein, the mob comprises five elements: the drones, the degenerates, the criminals, the useful idiots, and the centralizers. Most of these elements (besides centralizers) are taken from the grey masses and then morphed into the mob. In doing so, they leave the grey masses and join something far worse: The mob.
The centralizers use a major component piece taken from the grey masses, which are the useful idiots. The zealot class, another common topic on this website, are the extremes of the useful idiots and the other criminal elements.
This brings us to the useful idiot. Think of them as a corrupted sub-group of the grey masses. They are people who unknowingly support evil through their attempts to be a force for good. These are the ones who imagine themselves as an agent of justice, while their cause is diametrically opposed to real justice. They will cheer for who they perceive as good, while that “good” is knowingly seeking evil.
The useful idiots are often the most prolific of the criminal element groups. They generally outnumber all the degenerates, drones, and criminals combined. The useful idiots serve a very useful function to centralizers because of their naivety.
The majority of them are likely irredeemable, so the solution to the problem is to simply get them to be our useful idiots instead of the enemy’s useful idiots. They must be controlled by a benevolent force so that a malevolent force cannot overtake them. If there is no strong benevolent force that can keep them within the shepherd’s gates, they will gravitate toward the alternative.
They believe they are an agent of justice, which means so long as we steer them like sheep, they could actually be agents of justice.
From my research and general life experience, I do not believe that these people can be shepherded to independence. To attempt so would be to put them on a collision course for failing off a cliff or to be overtaken by a wolf. It seems impossible to permanently change or correct them.
I agree with Niccolò Machiavelli in his understanding of the problem:
“There are three different kinds of brains, the one understands things unassisted, the other understands things when shown by others, the third understands neither alone nor with the explanations of others”.
[Niccolò Machiavelli. The Prince, Chapter XXII, page 92 (London: Grant Richards, 1903). This quote is taken from the translation by Luigi Ricci. Other translations word it differently, but with the same underlying meaning. I used this edition for its simplicity.]
The useful idiots are firmly lodged in the third camp. No amount of steering, educating, showing, altering conditions, or debating will help them understand. They are lost and their only use is in being made useful to us instead of to the enemy.
The grey masses are not the same, because the grey masses can change, albeit unlikely. Just like a grey mass member can change to join the mob, I believe they, with the spirit of truth, can be led to our side. A useful idiot cannot. They are already lost. They can only be damage controlled. The zealots, the most extreme of the useful idiots, aren’t even worthy of being damage controlled. They just need to be controlled altogether. They are the community-destroyers of old.
I think differentiating these categories is incredibly important because they have some subtle differences and how we address them should change based on their category.
Some on the Right give up all hope on the “normies”, but we should not be so pessimistic. We must give up hope on the useful idiots, surely, but not all the grey masses. Some of us focus on converting or altering the zealots, when they should simply be ignored until we have power. Our approaches change when we can actually tell the difference, especially on the frontline.
A lot changes when you see them through the lens of who and what they actually are. It can make us a lot less pessimistic and a lot more focused on what positive can be done.
It can also remind us to be careful around certain people, because they can’t and won’t change.
Read Next:
The Grey Masses: It Starts Off Noble And Innocent
The Belmod Theory: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Yuri Bezmenov: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization
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