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greatest failure of the conservative

The Greatest Failure Of The Conservative

Once you recognize the greatest failure of the conservative, it will come as no surprise that they lost so thoroughly and resolutely.

greatest failure of the conservative

Why The Conservative Lost

In Division in Democracy, I wrote:

Arguably, the most damaging aspect of democracy is its inevitability of segmenting the population against one another based on personal politics.

In the case of every other system, this does not happen. Polarization typically only arises when democratic choices are presented, and especially so when only two options are presented.


A useful case study can be found with sports teams. The same division happens with any type of sportsball team frenzy, but the difference is that the totality of division in sports is much smaller. Take the insanity you see with sports division and multiply it by the thousands and you have the starting place for democratic division. It is easy to imagine that the division amongst sports teams would be even worse if there were only two sports teams in total.

Under democratic systems, the people become hyper-politicized and end up hating their fellow citizen more than the centralizers and minority classes destroying them. We see this in the United States daily.

Republicans hate democrats. Democrats hate republicans. Everyone hates libertarians, even other libertarians.

Campaign strategies are specifically designed to anger, shame, or make fun of their own national brothers and sisters. We even have leaders calling segments of the population phrases such as “maga extremists” and “basket of deplorables” (throwback).

We hate our own even more so than we hate the invading foreigners. This could only be done with democracy.


This division in democracy also does not just create adversity between citizens, but creates an entire behemoth political climate that is impossible to escape.

You all feel and know this. It is authentically impossible to escape politics in any tangible fashion without completely unplugging from everything. Politics is constantly in your books, church, movies, public events, video games, neighbor’s yards, science, educational systems, music, work, public health directives, and everything else.

The system degrades until everything is political, so everything is divided. Everything must go through a political filter lens, from what you produce to what you consume. There is no escape from the constant barrage of politics. This is not a healthy condition for humans to live under. We should not be living, breathing, watching, and eating politics constantly. But everyone does under democracy. Whether or not they realize it isn’t relevant.

This is not sustainable. You can’t have a nation where half of the people hate the other half. You also can’t have a system that utterly consumes every person into politics 24/7.

Which is why no form of democracy can sustain itself as a viable system.

The greatest failure of the conservative was to not recognize the absolute politicization aspect of democracy, and then to fail to immediately hedge against it following the halcyon era.

Using a two-party system example (but this applies to any setup of a rule-by-many democracy or republic): If both sides are not hyperpolitical, then whichever side becomes hyperpolitical first and sustains it will inevitably win. Simply because they show up to the battlefield, whereas the other side doesn’t even bother to put on the uniform.

Democracy requires both parties—so every single person in the nation—to constantly be hyperpolitical in every facet of their life to ensure a balance between the two. Otherwise, one party breaks the balance.

But this requirement is completely insane, as anyone with a penchant for something other than politics could tell you. We cannot be fully enveloped by politics constantly. It is not healthy for every citizen to bear that burden.

This is why democracy is so terrible, because everyone must be fully politicized at all points and in all activities for every possible party position. Democracy requires that everyone must constantly live and breathe politics. Otherwise, one side will inevitably dominate and centralize the other.

Thus, democracy will rapidly turn against the weaker party. The conservative was the weaker party, as they tried to play “by the rules” and only with minor political involvement. Meanwhile, the left played the system itself—they did not play by the rules—and with constant hyperpoliticization since the mid-1900s.

This is not a sustainable nor a desirable condition. We are not meant to be politicized constantly, which the rule-by-many requires for any semblance of balance. Which is why the leftists are succeeding in bringing us under a rule-by-few, where they are the “few”.

Leftists dedicate their entire life to politics. They live, breathe, eat, and sleep their politics. Most conservatives start and end it at the voting booth every two years. Given this information, there should be little surprise why one side has won, and the other has lost. You cannot conserve what you only defend every couple of years by lukewarmly tossing in a ballot.

However, even though this is the greatest failure of the conservative, does not mean that it is a solution. Even if they were to become hyperpolitical, they would still fail. Because their people (the conservatives) are sane, and cannot be consumed by politics constantly for the entire duration of their life, like the leftists.

Why the conservative lost - movie meme
The Average Conservative

This is why the dissident, traditional, and nationalist cannot follow the same path. We must move parallel, which demands full politicization of our own, but outside of their system. That latter part is the key: outside of their system. The conservative, by their nature of desiring conservation, must play within the system. We have no such requirement.

We need a system that allows us to live outside of the mainstream variant without it being a burden. Our side can have that. The conservative cannot.

Still, given the system we reside under, we cannot escape hyperpoliticization. It is not a healthy condition for us to live engulfed by politics, but we must do so in the hope that our children may not have to.

If we don’t succeed, the leftists will still drown us in politics, but communist-style.

Meanwhile, if we do succeed, we can create a system whereby full politicization of the population need not occur. Think Christendom, or Franco, or Rome, or whatever your preference. But that cannot happen unless we meet the enemy on their own common ground first.

We have to be hyperpolitical. We have to have our own system, institutions, and moral/spiritual framework. And we have to show up on the battlefield. All things the conservative lacked.

The failure of the conservative was to play the occasional defense while the enemy played constant offense.

It should come as no surprise that they lost so thoroughly and resolutely.

Read Next: The Libertarian Business Model Does Not Exist


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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