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The ruling class has done a hard shift in favor of collectivism over individualism. But both approaches are inferior to the alternative.
There are three focuses a government can take: the individual focus, the collective focus, and the communitarian focus.
I walked through the three of them in this article:
Individualism means the focus is on the individual. The individual matters more than the collective.
Collectivism is the opposite. It focuses on the needs of the collective. The collective matters more than the individual.
The community-approach, individuals acting collectively, is a middle ground. It is individuals voluntarily focusing on the collective. The collective has the focus, but that focus is not given through coercion or force, rather through people voluntarily recognizing and acting on that [community-level, so smaller] collective focus.
Both the individualist and the collectivist approach are useful to the centralizer. But they are useful at different time periods.
The individualistic approach is useful when the centralizers do not yet have power. This gives them the freedom to become centralizers in the first place, because the focus is on the individual. They can use the individual lens to advance their individual agenda and consolidate power within certain key non-governmental institutions. The freedom of the individual focus gives them this leeway, because the [individualist] collective cannot interfere with them while they are merely consolidating power, but not yet using it in a nefarious manner. That would be a breach of individualism. But by the time that they have centralized enough, the individuals then do not have enough power to resist against their consolidated power source.
It puts the people in a tricky situation. They cannot remove them from power sources because of the individual focus and the lack of harm being done, but they also cannot remove them once they do act maliciously because by that point they already have too much centralized power.
Enter scene two. Once the centralizers have acquired some level of consolidation, they then shift to a collectivist approach. This approach is then useful because they now own key institutions, government or private, that would benefit them from a focus on this new “collective” over that of the individuals. The people are then powerless because the collective takes precedent over that of the individual.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to stop this trend in the rule by many systems. But it could be stopped by not using either focus. By using the alternative. The communitarian focus is the one most hated by the centralizer, because it is the hardest for them to overcome.
But we’ve long since passed this point in the U.S. We now have a degenerating focus on the collective. Specifically, the corrupt government has become the collective. Wherein, the government is wholly controlled by the institutions. It’s the typical power cycle of a degenerating nation-state. It’s happened in history repeatedly.
This government focus used individualism to break us apart, and then consolidated us under a collectivist focus. We see this with the covid response, where everyone is forced to wear a mask, take a jab, and cooperate with any of their mandates because it’s for the best of the collective. Whereas some decades before, the focus would have been more on the degenerating individual and how they need the freedom to do whatever they want—and for the elite to centralize whatever they want.
But the use of that initial form of individualism has vanished for the centralizer. It is now more profitable for them to use the collectivist tendencies. It helps them remove competitors arising from within the individualist focus.
This trend will only continue to increase as our ruling class needs to grasp further power to consolidate their power further. They will continue to shift the power from the individual to the collective in every arena that they can.
But we must not mistake that the solution is more individualism. Individualism is what allowed the centralizer the capability to get into their positions originally with no accountability or oversight.
What they truly fear is the communitarian approach, which is why it has been wholly absent of the entire timeline of American history since Lincoln crushed the communitarian-based federated republic.
There are two steps on the societal focus with regard to the decline. The first is individualism, with the latter being collectivism. It is a mistake to assume that trying to hold the line at the first would be sustainable, because that would only position us to repeat the same mistake. It would solely place us in the exact same position that led us to where we are right now. To expect a different outcome this time around is foolish. It will led to the same end.
What could work is what they are most afraid of. The communitarian approach. In the next stage, after the American fall, we need something new. We can’t “go back”, because to go back would be to set the stage to reproduce the same conditions that led us to where we are right now.
Which means we can’t rely on individualism, and we definitely cannot rely on this degenerating collective focus.
There are minimal signs of communitarianism anywhere, but I believe that is wholly by design, because it is the most effective at sustainment against the ruling class. But luckily for us, communitarianism does not require overcoming the selfishness of individualism nor the structural demands of collectivism. It only requires a community. A community of people united through an incentive structure to stay that way.
Which is something we can create within the corpse of the other focuses. Even as the government focus continues to get stronger and more demanding, we can hold the torch through a voluntary cooperation resistance. I’ve started to do just that where I live, and you can too.
The worsening collective government-based focus is coming. But some of us must carry the torch through it, so that a sustainable alternative can live on as an example for our future generations.
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