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The French Race Riots: Deport Them All

The solution to foreigner-led race riots is to deport all the foreigners.

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A Simple Solution To The French Riots

Slam shut the borders, block the boats, and deport them all.

It is the only way.

The recent situation in France is doing much to prove that this solution is the only viable one:

1,000 Buildings Burnt, 5,600 Vehicles Destroyed, 3,300 Arrests in First Week of France Riots

The huge extent of damage and vandalism caused in nearly a week of nightly riots in France has been dramatically underlined with a summary of recorded burnings so far, with the toll running to thousands of vehicles and buildings.

Ministry of the Interior figures taking account of damage to people and property during the now six nights of riots triggered by the shooting death by a police officer of an Algerian heritage teenager in a Paris suburb at a traffic stop reveals there have been 5,662 vehicle fires so far, reports Le Parisien.

This does not take into consideration the amount of heritage white French people that have been viciously assaulted by the roving mobs of Muslims and ethnics during their own Floyd Race Riots.

It is inconceivable to me that people claiming to be refugees can come into one of our Western countries and then proceed to riot and destroy the place. And yet, we allow them to remain.

If we were under a sane civilization, these people would be deported instantly (or far worse conditions would befall them).

While I feel for my fellow French nationalists, many of their own people asked for this:

France in 2016 vs 2023

Still, I do not blame the French people.

The same is happening here in the States, just switch the Africans for Hispanics and the Muslims with the Hindus and cartels. Many of us certainly did not ask for this.

france meme demographic diversity

None of this should be a surprise. Just watch the imagery and symbols the elites put out. They tell you their plan.

And it is going all according to the plan.

It is not like this is some mystery about why Western states are being flooded with incompatible ethnics.

If you are paying attention, you see that the Rothschilds (Artist Cleon Peterson with sponsors Ariane and Benjamin de Rothchild) literally painted their plans under the Eiffel Tower in France:

image under Eiffel Tower 1
image under Eiffel Tower 2

Here are some more paintings from the artist (Cleon Peterson) that use the same black-white figures, that could not be any more obviously depicting Caucasians versus ethnics.

Just take a look at what they modelled the first-and-only Eiffel Tower mural after:

Other work by Cleon Peterson with same figures - violence - 1
Other work by Cleon Peterson with same figures - violence - 2
Other work by Cleon Peterson with same figures - violence - 3

(There are far worse versions you can find quickly with a search, most of them involving sexual violence. I chose not to publish those.)

This is the artist’s common designs. He just modified it a bit for the Eiffel Tower version, but he still made sure to include the race-mixing white woman. Along with the exact same persona figures.

The French elite allowed this individual to be the artist and do the design in the same image as his other violent paintings. Under the most iconic symbol of France—And the first and only design ever to be created there.

This does not happen by accident.

What this is saying to anyone with even a hint of common sense: They publicly, openly say they want to slaughter you.

This is not even hidden. It is literally right there under the Eiffel Tower.

The old-school Germans were right when they tried to warn the French of their nearing fate if they did not change course:

German propaganda about the French

You can’t say the Germans didn’t try to warn them, and us.

The French police are also just as bad as our own. The French cops target the nationalists that are trying desperately to save the place from foreigner invasion, instead of targeting the invaders themselves:

French police attack nationalists

That is a telltale sign of a dying empire: Fighting for the foreigners instead of fighting the foreigners.

A nation never lasts long after that switch of mindset.

It is fitting that the nation where the “Enlightenment” began may end up being the place where the Enlightenment ends.

We can only hope that we can return to true progress—tradition—soon.

France, and much of the West, does not have long to right its course. If it does not, the Western states will fall to foreign control. The demographic numbers simply aren’t there; we’re being outbreed in our own land. France cannot be France if it is 99% Middle Eastern Muslim.

It would not be hard to fix the problem. All they have to do is:

  • Slam shut the borders, block the boats, and deport them all.

That is it.

If they choose not to do so, both the French state and the French people will cease to exist.

They’ll be completely wiped out, which is apparently what the likes of people like Cleon Peterson desire.

godless liberalism natural conclusion meme

Let’s hope the French decide to end modernity before it ends them.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Good article kiasar. Thank you.
    You should not forget that this happened before in Spain, 700 hundred years of it. Spanish cities were no different than Detroit, Baltimore etc. The Spanish could not walk the streets without fear for their lives. .
    When the Spanish people kicked out the semites and confiscated their ill gotten gains, they just moved the enemy elsewhere, England, Holland, Turkey is where they started in on Christendom again, no longer flying in the Spanish inquisitions orbit, they were free to subvert. Kicking them out to the four winds was the greatest mistake and injury to Europe according to some historians. According to William Thomas Walsh in his book Phillip the second, the moneyed Jews would be kicked out of one kingdom, and buy into another kingdom where they would be made tax collectors until the people had had enough and the cycle would start over again. In my opinion, when Spain kicked them out, they went to the Northern kingdom (Netherlands) and fomented rebellion with willing Nobility and created the first secular state, equality, usury and the beginning of the Capitalist system. This moneyed power has controlled European labor and self determination by degrees ever since. This is all part of a 1300 hundred year war against western civilization and all culture outside of their control.
    A force to be reckoned with to be sure.
    Obviously they have not destroyed all of us yet, We have to fight for our right to party let me tell you.

    Great site.
    God Bless you Sir.

    • Good point on Spain enduring this in their past. Thanks for the comment brother, and God Bless you as well.

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