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the food compass

The Food Compass: Trust The Science

The Food Compass is a perfect example of the Scientific Dark Ages that we are living under. Frosted Mini Wheats: 87. Ground beef: 26.

the food compass

The Experts And Their The Food Compass

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there is a new food navigator being developed by ‘the experts‘. It’s called The Food Compass.

We should let scientism determine our food choices, after all. So, let’s see what science has to say about the best kinds of food available:

The Food Compass – Let science guide your food choices

By Mihaela Bozukova, PhD Candidate in Computational Genomics

“Eating healthy” is a vague term. Nutrition advice can often be confusing and sometimes even conflicting. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have an easy scoring system to quickly assess how beneficial a food or beverage is for our health?

Scientists from Tufts University in the US have developed the “Food Compass”, a nutrient profiling system that scores food based on various attributes. The Food Compass was reported in the journal Nature Food in the past month and aims to provide a guide towards healthier food choices.

The Food Compass scores foods and beverages based on 54 attributes informed by existing nutrient profiling systems as well as national and international dietary guidelines. The researchers also considered scientific evidence for links to chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. The resulting 54 attributes used to assess each food item were grouped into 9 different categories (Figure 1). Scores from each of these categories are combined into an overall score ranging from 1 (least healthy) to 100 (most healthy). Foods scoring above 70 are encouraged, while consumption of foods with a score below 30 should be minimized.

Let’s check in on how some of these ratings are, shall we?

You can find the study with the reference for the below graph here:

food compass scores

Pay attention to the categories.

  • 70-100 should be consumed often
  • 31-69 should be consumed in moderation
  • 0-30 should be avoided as much as possible

So, you should eat a lot of Cheerios and Mini Wheats, but should minimize whole eggs and beef.

You can find further data from Tuft’s here.

In particular, their grain graph on that page is hilarious:

food compass scores trust the science bigot

Some observations from the general list (first chart):

  • Frosted Mini Wheats: 87. Boiled or poached egg: 51.
  • Honey Nut Cheerios: 76. Cheddar cheese: 28.
  • Lucky Charms: 60. Egg fried in butter: 29.
  • Almond M&M’s: 43. Ground beef: 26.

Some observations from the grain list (second chart):

  • General Mills Cheerios: 95. Quinoa: 73.
  • General Mills Wheaties: 74. 100% natural rye bread: 34.
  • Kellogg’s Raisin Bran: 72. Pita bread: 1.

The best grain you can have? Cheerios.

This is all real. This isn’t a joke. Some academics and “nutrition experts” actually created this.

Ground beef, one of the healthiest foods for us, is rated in the “avoid” category. A sugar-laden cereal stuffed with modernized wheat is number three, which rests in the “eat often” category.

A natural whole egg fried in healthy-fats butter is rated lower than an egg substitute (fake) fried in vegetable oil (horrible for you).

Some natural whole milk is rated lower than canned pineapple in heavy syrup or chocolate-covered almonds.

I know I say it too much at this point: But you honestly can’t make this stuff up. This is what they are actually trying to feed you.

Everything is completely inverted. Clown world is completely upside down. Healthy is unhealthy; unhealthy is healthy.

Complete insanity.

It is no surprise this came out of the intelligentsia and their universities.

But a perfect example of the Scientific Dark Ages that we live in. A cult-like worship of fake science is here. We no longer have science, just the religion of scientism. Scientism is based on faith (trust the science) and loyalty (don’t question it). You’re a caveman bigot if you don’t trust the science™. Which also just so happens to be completely funded by big business and government.

If you truly want to be healthy, ignore everything said by the Food Compass. Start by reading these articles instead:

If you want a more in-depth refutation of the Food Compass (you really shouldn’t need one), Judy provides a great one here.

But you won’t hear any of the above truth from Tuft’s.

They’re too busy yelling out in the distance: Eat the honey nut cheerios, bigot.

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When Nothing Makes Sense

The New ‘Big Tobacco’: Marijuana and Schizophrenia

A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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