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The world is preoccupied with ungodly animalistic joys. There is only one way out, and that is through.
The world is preoccupied with ungodly animalistic joys. But especially the Western World.
Our entire foundation rests on the individualist principle of maximizing material wealth. Mammon is the central object with the strongest gravitational pull that forces everything in our society to revolve around it.
Our illusory financial system controls us more than anyone could fathom.
Everywhere you look, it is only greed and the pursuit of more money that matters. Even our own people are too busy with foolish things like fighting about GDP and so-called “immigrant rights” (to acquire subservient foreigners who will cost less and work more for the elites) to see the writing on the wall of our demise.
While our nation is being slowly murdered, the vultures are even selling off parts of the future corpse.
The conquest for “better” (an incredibly relative word) or “larger” or “finer” never ends. The appetite can never be truly quenched when the source is one of indulgence and debauchery.
Each man lives only for himself. Self-destructive individualism is the inevitable result of such a heart.
Each man has only ego and self as the focus. This has led to man becoming akin to a mindless hyena—a corrupt snake—not worthy of the title “man”.
There is really only one way out of this folly. It is to reject the foundations that placed us in it. Because we reached this conclusion by logically following the premise. If the only goal is self-maximizing wealth and material prosperity, there is no way to escape the degeneracy of the modern world. This is its logical result.
Which is the greatest irony of all: The logical result is self-immolation on a national scale. There is no way to sustain it. We greed through the desire to consume more; until the greed itself consumes us.
To escape, we must be retaught the basics. We must relearn the correct foundation.
We live in an age where almost all men live solely for themselves. The only way for this condition to be fixed is for man to no longer in a debased state like this, but to instead live as a collective as God intended. Live for others; die to self.
The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 is regarded as a city. This is significant and symbolic. It is not symbolized as a scattered rural town or as hiding out in the woods alone. God’s people, once restored, will live in a symbolic city—A place that symbolizes community and social interaction. We won’t be alone in the woods. Neither will those in hell. We are social creatures, not meant to live and die alone.
We are to live and love our people.
Individualism, a tool of Satan, has stripped us of this reality. God will one day fix it, but until then, we can bring an aspect of that Kingdom of God down to us on earth right now by adopting that Kingdom mindset. One of a communitarian (neither collectivist nor individualist) mindset. And by learning to adhere to the list above.
It starts with you. Be that better man. Return to the traditions that once housed a saner world.
We don’t need everyone to do so. Only a select few. The majority is insignificant in the waves of history. Those who matter are the active minority. You can, and must, become that remnant.
Even just a few thousand with a mindset like this will be enough to bring about the change we need to begin the reconquest of our heritage and people.
The modern world is wicked and hopelessly corrupt. But that does not matter to us, because we know it must end. Which provides hope, and a desire to fight on.
There is only one way out, and that is through.
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Fantastic article. I agree fully.
Great article. You’re sounding more and more like those communitarians (misnamed collectivists and totalitarians) whose respect for the free development of all races, peoples, forms of government (per the Atlantic Charter) was made the exception after the fact.
“Though a man should think in ice, yet science tells us there is a latent heat in the cold icicle hanging from the eaves of a house; and all history testifies to the reserved power which lies in those silent men of thought, who at length burst from their quietude, and like pyramids of fire set the world ablaze with their energy. … p. 345. Man … is not placed upon an insulated stool with glass feet, to sever all connection with the earth upon which he stands. On the contrary, innumerable threadlike ties bind him to the race of which he forms a part; and in working out the problem of human history each must be an integer in the equation.” p. 346.
Benjamin Morgan Palmer, ‘Obedience, the Law of the Will’, (II).
Great comment and reference, as always GC. One can only hope that someday we will return to the communitarian mindset and stop fearing it as some boogeyman-type creature.