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The rule by many framework often degenerates because of the mob. Thus, it's important to know the pieces that make up the mob to help prevent mob rule.
There are five criminal elements that contribute to mob formation: the drones, the degenerates, the criminals, the useful idiots, and the centralizers.
First, we will discuss drones.
A drone is a person who lives on the labors of others. A criminal is often found in the lowest caste of the drones. Not all criminals have to be drones, but most frequently are.
A drone is a beggar, drug addict, criminally inclined homeless, non-productive degenerate, or similar. Anyone who does not contribute but does consume. They often reside on the outskirts of the nation and are often criminals. Sometimes petty criminals, sometimes violent. Always parasitic.
Drones are of a unique problem in nearly all governments. They not only do not produce, but they likewise disincentivize regular citizens from contributing their full potential out of spite. Few individuals want to contribute to a mutual fund if they know that mutual fund is being taken advantage of by drones.
In some circumstances, drones actually contribute a negative amount to society. These are typically the criminally inclined or degenerate variants. They not only do not contribute, but they harm those who do contribute. They take from the middle-and upperclass to fund themselves. These people are a significant economic and spiritual burden.
The more drones that exist, the less normal people want to contribute or play by the rules. Why play fair if someone else lives off your labor for free? Why contribute if you get no reward but the drones get a free ride? The fewer drones that exist, the more citizens will contribute. The more drones that exist, the fewer citizens will contribute.
Our species is sinful and fallen. We cannot possibly remove all crime or all drones. But it should be a massive goal of any honest government to reduce their numbers. It is needed not just for increased productivity, but also for the fair treatment of contributor citizens. No one should commit extra labor just for a drone to leech off of them.
The drones are the parasites of the mob that leech and weaken the anti-mob elements.
Moving on, we have the degenerate. Degenerates are morally depraved and corrupt individuals.
A degenerate is not necessarily a criminal nor a drone, but is often one or the other (or both). This occurs because people with these characteristics are more prone to criminality and the leeching off of others.
If there is one benefit of the explosion of degeneracy in late-stage nations, it is that degenerates are easier to spot and avoid.
Any nation seeking to preserve itself must pay special attention to degenerates. These individuals should never be allowed near sensitive cultural positions or governance. Even in leadership roles in the intelligentsia or business, they can become problematic. A strong focus on criminality must come alongside a heavy focus on monitoring the degenerates.
They often are found working alongside centralizers to push the goals of the centralizers. This is regardless of if it is unknowingly or knowingly. They do so for their own depraved self-interest or self-hatred. They are always the forerunners of cultural degradation. The centralizers use them to no end in the pursuit of this goal.
Because of this habit, when considering the cycle of collapse the degenerates are likely even more dangerous than drones and criminals combined.
Degenerates are the morally bankrupt persons pushing for you to tolerate, support, adore, or love their depravity. They state that immorality is morality, and that sin is virtue. Their pursuits are always evil in nature. Often, there is a strong sense of hatred of the self, which is imbedded in their actions.
They, like all other criminal elements, must be faithfully derailed and de-centralized by the nation. They can be allowed no quarter by which to expand nor given a single inch to progress any further. The degenerates must be removed from the mainstream. They are always the useful companions to cultural degeneracy as it occurs in degenerative societies.
The degenerates are the moral leaders of the mob.
Next up, we have the criminal. They are well known and need no serious incursion to explain. They are the law-breakers, usually being done so out of pure self-interest. They are the purest example of absolute individualism. Criminals seek solely after their own short-term self-interest at the expense of everyone else. They are the absolute expression of the individual above the community or the nation. The rule by many forms that focus on individualism often has the most flagrant examples of criminals. It is not coincidental, but directly related.
The criminals are the foot soldiers of the mob.
This brings us to the useful idiot. They are people who unknowingly support evil through their attempts to be a force for good. These are the ones who imagine themselves as an agent of justice, while their cause is diametrically opposed to real justice. They will cheer for who they perceive as good, while that “good” is knowingly seeking evil.
They are often the most prolific of the criminal element groups. They generally outnumber all the degenerates, drones, and criminals combined.
The useful idiots serve a very useful function to centralizers because of their naivety.
The majority of them are likely irredeemable, so the solution to the problem is to simply get them to be our useful idiots instead of the enemy’s useful idiots. They must be controlled by a benevolent force so that a malevolent force cannot overtake them. If there is no strong benevolent force that can keep them within the shepherd’s gates, they will gravitate toward the alternative.
They believe they are an agent of justice, which means so long as we steer them like sheep, they could actually be agents of justice. From my research and general life experience, I do not believe that these people can be shepherded to independence. To attempt so would be to put them on a collision course for failing off a cliff or to be overtaken by a wolf. It seems impossible to permanently change or correct them. Generally, I have found that there are three types of people. The first are those who understand. The second are those who, if provided the correct conditions, can understand. The third are those who cannot understand. The useful idiots are firmly lodged in the third camp. No amount of steering, educating, showing, altering conditions, or debating will help them understand. They are lost and their only use is in being made useful to us instead of to the enemy. They are a part of the grey masses, but an activist version of it.
The useful idiots are the cover for the mob. They are the numbers. They are also the whipping stock of the other criminal elements and the legitimacy creators. Which means they make the mob seem as a legitimate action and movement, instead of what it actually is: a combination of degenerates, drones, criminals, and centralizers.
The centralizer is our final group and has already been well-defined. Their actions against the nation easily mark their inclusion into the criminal element’s category. Start here: Key Traits Of A Centralizer: The Four Groups.
The centralizer directs the mob’s actions, anger, and philosophy.
Being placed into one of these groups does not forever label one as such, with a singular exception. A drone can become a contributor, a degenerate can find virtue, a criminal can be rehabilitated, and a useful idiot can be directed to the proper moral side. The only individual who cannot be fixed is the centralizer; for if they have reached that definition, they are already far too gone to save.
Each of these five elements is incredibly damaging to a society seeking sustainment. We cannot sustain if drones leech off of the productivity of the middle class, if the degenerates destroy the culture, if the criminals overrun the law, if the useful idiots outnumber the educated vanguards, or if the centralizers acquire power.
All of them are threats to the nation. But there is one extraordinary threat from the criminal elements: when they work together. For when they work together, they are the mob. The centralizer mob. The same mob that results in the nation changing from a rule by many into mob rule, which is the degenerative form of the rule by many and leads to a rule by few.
Know the enemy. Know the mob.
Read Next:
What Is A Rule By Many Framework?
Key Traits Of A Centralizer: The Four Groups
What Is A Rule By Few Framework?
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