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Reviewing the failure of the judicial branch: How have the courts held up to their listed requirements in our republican system?
To sustain a republic, you need oversight. Real oversight, not the quasi-kind that we get from representative voting.
I don’t believe that kind of oversight is possible with our current system. We would need a new mindset on voting to acquire that kind of oversight:
But we don’t have that mindset nor the system necessary to demand such a mindset. Instead, we’re stuck with liberal democracy, the end-result of a republic system.
But the judicial branch was supposed to be that oversight component for the republic. To stop it from degrading into a mob-ruled liberal democracy. What happened?
The republic was envisioned to have checks and balances with the three branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. Each was to provide some counterbalance to the other.
The judicial in particular was to balance the overreaches of the prior two. It’s not meant to make or enforce laws, but to ensure that the actions of the other two comply with the laws and the constitution. They are, in practice, the oversight branch.
This was supposed to work because the highest court, the Supreme Court, would be impartial, non-partisan, and given lifetime appointments so theoretically no political pressure would fall upon them that they could not withstand. They are not beholden to elections, so they did not need to face the short-term emotional whims of the citizens.
But that’s not how it works.
How it actually works is that the Judicial branch is staffed by executive appointments that are confirmed by the legislature. So each office-holder is highly partisan and chosen at the whims of the centralizers in the politburo. So, instead of partisan judges beholden to accountable elections, we have partisan judges that are unaccountable and sit in lifetime appointments. What an improvement.
On top of this, because the individuals are chosen by highly corrupt individuals in the executive and legislature, it’s easy to consider that many of them are directly controlled prior to an appointment through blackmail or some other factor. The partisans are not stupid. They are going to make sure each judge is on a tight leash prior to appointing them.
For example: No one can honestly tell me they follow politics and think Roberts isn’t controlled. You’d have to be willfully ignorant or blind. He is clearly a lackey of the uni-party. Others follow suit to a lesser extent, maybe with one exception of Thomas, but even that is iffy.
Look at the older Supreme Court appointments for evidence of their infiltration. Check what happened after the civil war, you will probably be shocked if you haven’t researched it prior. Or consider that the Roe V. Wade ruling stood for decades with absolutely no constitutional backing, that even the current corrupt court was surprised that it was ever enacted.
The Supreme Court is not staffed with our best or our most accountable. They are staffed with chosen delegates from the politburo, with absolutely no insight from the people that they will then completely rule over. The Supreme Court is arguably the most powerful branch in modern times because of their ability to create “bench legislation” (legal or not), and stop the other two branches whenever they desire.
The Judicial Branch was supposed to have independent, non-partisan oversight over the legislative and executive branches, but instead they are just another extension of the politburo. They don’t provide any reasonable oversight, and their actions merely delay the inevitable encroachments of centralization. The courts have not preserved the republic. Instead, they have willfully opened the gates to liberal democracy and mob rule.
The courts may sometimes toss us a bone, but it is never when it matters. They did nothing for election integrity, unfettered immigration, cultural annihilation, tyrannical covid lockdowns/forced vaccines, and many other essential republican tenets. Even the recent Roe ruling just passed it down to the states instead of banning infanticide based on the constitutional right to life. And during the media blitz of that ruling, the politburo quietly passed the worst gun control we’ve seen in decades. A highly beneficial tradeoff for the politburo.
The Supreme Court hands out such small wins to cover their complicity in the major defeats. This centralization and transition of republic -> liberal democracy did not occur in a vacuum, it occurred with their full consent and awareness. The courts had the power to stop it, but because of their partisanship and how the Judicial system works, they never would have stopped it.
The judicial does not provide oversight, even though it was their primary purpose. The system failed. It did not, and cannot, work.
This system cannot save itself.
If we want real oversight, we must have it centralized in the hands of actual stakeholders, like those who pay taxes, have kids, are not in politics, and own land.
Not a judiciary that is just as politicized as the Senate, as corrupt as the Executive, and as stuffed-full of idiots as the House. That won’t work, as history clearly indicates.
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