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ancient Carthage and moloch

The Evil Of Ancient Carthage

Comparing Ancient Carthage to modern America.

ancient carthage and moloch

Justifiably Destroyed: Ancient Carthage

The history of our world is replete with nations that have committed human sacrifice to idols.

From the Aztecs and Mayans to the Canaanites to the Native Americans to Ancient Carthage to Druids to the Phoenicians to African folk faiths to modern abortion, the practice of child sacrifice in particular has been widespread.

There is a reason for this practice.

Hundreds of civilizations across the entirety of human history have not all just randomly decided to kill off their own infants for absolutely no reason.

The modernist prefers to not even review historical or modern child sacrifice. But when they do, they take many precautions to not provide the true reason for it. Because the real reason is a metaphysical reason, and under our modern rationalist-scientism (physical) environment, the practice can’t be comprehended.

But when we extend our thoughts to the metaphysical realm, the answer is clear.

The real reason is that the practice of child sacrifice gives the sacrificer perceived power—A Satanic variant, but power, nonetheless.

The lesser demon Moloch exists, exactly as the Bible indicated.

Contrary to popular thought, Moloch is not a god. There is only one God (capital G). Moloch is a fallen angel—a demon—under the chief fallen (Satan). The idolators sacrifice God’s creation to the lesser demon in return for perceived benefit by Satan.

The same is happening now with abortion, but for different rewards. The women receiving an abortion sacrifices a child in return for convenience, further sexual lust, more money/career potential (greed), or some other immoral desire. Actually, now that it is written out, the rewards are not different at all from the ancient practice of child sacrifice. They are the exact same, actually. Weird how that works.

Under modernity, the academics have done everything in their power to make our Greco-Roman heritage into an evil. One such example they would use while I was growing up was the Roman-led complete annihilation of Carthage, a city-state once far more powerful than either Athens or Rome. The “scientists” would always say that anything anti-Carthage was simply Roman propaganda. “Carthage was a healthy, benevolent, and progressive civilization that the evil totalitarian Romans mercilessly slaughtered”, as their sayings went.

But, as with all things the modernists say, they were wrong. They can’t hide the truth forever.

Ancient Carthage was horrifically evil. They worshipped Moloch through child sacrifice. It is a great thing that Rome not only destroyed them, but completely annihilated them from history:

A TROVE of relics now arriving in New York contains evidence that the ritual slaying of children in ancient Carthage was so common that it helped control the growth of the population and helped families keep fortunes intact over generations, archeologists say.

And through these indirect economic effects, some scholars assert, the practice of infanticide helped produce Carthage’s great wealth and its flowering of artistic achievement.

Among the treasures being uncrated at the American Museum of Natural History in New York are magnificent bronze figures, opulent jewelry and ornaments, and some of the most beautiful mosaics of antiquity. Such masterpieces, scholars believe, were made possible by the patronage of the merchant rulers of Carthage, whose wealth was without equal in the ancient world.

But the collection also includes cremation urns and religious paraphernalia of the kind used to sacrifice some 20,000 children from about 800 B.C. until Carthage’s destruction by Roman invaders in 146 B.C. At the site where Carthage stood, now a wealthy suburb of Tunis on the north African coast, is a place scholars regard as the largest cemetery of sacrificed humans ever discovered.


”There was a peculiar dualism in Carthage,” Dr. Soren said, ”in which the thrust for commerce, prosperity and the good life were blended with a religion so intense that the richest Carthaginian could cheerfully consign a son or daughter to the flames of the sacrificial pit to redeem a pledge to the gods.”

And a separate article:

Carthaginian infanticide not just Roman propaganda

Recent research revealed that the Carthaginians really did kill their own infant children , a practice once dismissed as just ancient Greek and Roman propaganda.

Ancient Carthage was a Semitic civilisation centred on the Phoenician city-state of Carthage, located in North Africa on the Gulf of Tunis.  Founded in 814 BC, Carthage established control over other Phoenician settlements throughout the Mediterranean, North Africa and what is now Spain, which lasted until the end of the 3 rd century BC.  For much of its history, Carthage was in a constant state of struggle with the Greeks on Sicily and the Roman Republic, which led to a series of armed conflicts known as the Punic Wars.  So when ancient Greeks and Romans made reports of ritual sacrifice of children, their claims were not taken seriously. But this has become one of the most bitterly debated questions in classical archaeology.

“This is something dismissed as black propaganda because in modern times people just didn’t want to believe it,” said Josephine Quinn, a lecturer in ancient history at Oxford. ““But when you pull together all the evidence – archaeological, epigraphic and literary – it is overwhelming and, we believe, conclusive: they did kill their children, and on the evidence of the inscriptions, not just as an offering for future favours but fulfilling a promise that had already been made.”

The argument about whether Carthaginians did or did not commit infanticide was brought into focus after the discovery of cemeteries known as tophets in the early 20 th century on the outskirts of Carthage in modern Tunisia, and at other Carthaginian sites in Sicily and Sardinia. The graves held tiny cremated bones packed into urns and buried under tombstones giving thanks to the gods.

While some have claimed that these are simply the remains of children who died before or soon after birth, Quinn and her colleagues, a group of Punic archaeologists and historians from Italy and the Netherlands, reject this theory due to the sheer number of child remains that were found.

“The inscriptions are unequivocal: time and again we find the explanation that the gods ‘heard my voice and blessed me’. It cannot be that so many children conveniently happened to die at just the right time to become an offering – and in any case a poorly or dead child would make a pretty feeble offering if you’re already worried about the gods rejecting it,” said Quinn.

Another convincing piece of evidence was the finding of animal remains buried in the same way, sometimes in the same urns as the bones of the children.  Quinn also draws attention to the fact that ancient writers, such as the Roman historian Diodorus, gave graphic accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice.

However, Quinn admits that many of her academic colleagues were appalled by her conclusions and that this is because it is a conclusion that no one wants to believe is true, like some taboo is being broken. “We like to think that we’re quite close to the ancient world, that they were really just like us – the truth is, I’m afraid, that they really weren’t.”

The Israelites were commanded to completely annihilate the child-sacrificing Canaanites, but failed. The Romans, not even directly commanded by God, fulfilled where the Israeli jews failed.

If you really want to dive in deep, check out the genetic lineage of Carthaginians and Pheonicians. Both are Semites. Both worshipped Moloch. Compare to our modern pharisees and their stance of infanticide being a “right” of their religion. Fascinating stuff.

Some relevant articles:

One section where the author of the second article commits an error is with the final sentence:

“We like to think that we’re quite close to the ancient world, that they were really just like us – the truth is, I’m afraid, that they really weren’t.”

While he thinks that “we’re not like Ancient Carthage,” he isn’t technically wrong. But he is right for the wrong reason. He is pretending like we are better, when in reality we are so much worse. Carthage couldn’t have dreamed of the widespread child slaughter that we have accomplished worldwide through domestic abortion and exporting abortion.

We kill more raw numbers of children and percentages of children-born than those civilizations could have even dreamed of over a similar time period.

We are the modern day Carthage:

  • One of the most powerful states – check
  • Infanticide endorsed by the state – check
  • Trying to take over the world – check
  • Have a narcissistic, materialistic, and idol-driven state religion – check
  • Full of debauchery, decadence, and immorality – check

Welcome to America: Carthage 2.0.

Under the same old leadership: Moloch, one of the worst of all the fallen.

Read Next: Elon Musk And Satanism


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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